No I am not pregnant with twins, although I keep dreaming that its going to happen the next time around, which is a scary thought! The twins I am referring to are my son and husband. I like to think that Lucas takes after me in some ways, probably his obvious intelligence, and the fact that he has been advanced in many milestones, hehe sorry hubby; but really he's shaping up to be a mini version of his father.
When Lucas was a newborn he looked a lot like my side of the family, and sometimes his facial expressions remind me a lot of my little sister Gyselle. Here's a pic of the little sis when she was about 6 months I think. I don't know I kind of see it a little, but either way you can aww over her obvious cuteness!
Now, though, as Lucas is getting older and looking more like a little boy rather than a baby, he looks almost exactly like his father.
This is perhaps not the best comparison cause Lucas' smile is so huge here, and he's pretty much always smiling in pictures lol. I think its adorable, and a lot of his mannerisms are so much like his father, the way he lounges, the way he smiles, the way he's been communicating lately; it kind of makes me swoon a little.
I'm one lucky lady either way!

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