Gianni and I went on our first big date night Saturday, and it was all for a good cause.
My 3 year old cousin was born with short bowel syndrome, and we are lucky to live in a city with one of the best children's hospitals in the world. Sick Kids. They have a program devoted entirely to this condition, and it is where Daniel receives all his care. To better understand his condition it is described on their website as the following:
"A condition that develops primarily as a result of birth defects or sometimes from acquired intestinal disease, short bowel syndrome (SBS) usually presents in newborn babies. Because of their 'short gut' these babies are not able to absorb the necessary nutrients to sustain life and require intravenous nutrition to maintain their growth and survival. Although these supplements are vital, over time the intravenous nutrition is also toxic to their young immature livers and can lead to liver failure and ultimately death. For many, survival is dependent on GIFT's ability to protect these babies' livers from further damage long enough for their remaining intestine to compensate and absorb the amount of nutrients needed or until they can receive an intestinal transplant."
Daniel for all intents purposes has been leading a very normal childhood, and it is a credit to how my aunt and uncle parent him, they are amazing role models. He is such a spunky kid, with a feisty sense of humour and is not afraid to tell you how it is. This is a recent photo of him MCing Lucas' baptism lol
This was the first year that Gianni and I attended the Gala that the program hosts every year to raise money and awareness for this cause. I have always had the utmost respect, and concern for all that my aunt and uncle have gone through dealing with Daniel's condition, and it was an honour to hear them speak about their experiences as the key note speakers this year. As a family we have seen all that they have been through, and witnessed first hand the type of care that Daniel requires daily, but it was striking to listen to the emotions my aunt and uncle felt when they received the diagnosis shortly after Daniel's birth. I was brought to tears when my aunt recounted how it took months before she could hold Daniel without being hooked up to any sort of machines, and all I could think of was I need to remember that the next time I hold my baby, and say a little prayer of thanks for all that I have in my life. 

Please visit the Sick Kids website, and if you're going to make any charity donations this year, let this one be your top choice.
On a side note, it was nice to get dressed up and go out. I have been living in sweats, and comfortable clothes since becoming a mom, cause really who wants to get dressed up when you're child is a spit up machine, and prone to any other out fluxes of bodily fluids. Sometimes you just need to spend some adult time with the hubby, and other people, and have a conversation that isn't just one-sided, or answered by the constant repetition of dada, and grunts. However, this is a once in a while thing for me, cause I couldn't stop thinking of my little guy, and I'm not going to lie we slipped out on the early side, just so I could get home to him (also I knew he would be waking up at his usual 5:30 so late is 11 for me, if I want to get any sleep at all).
Here's some highlights of the evening with my fam.
Love this picture of my mom and I.
Sunday was back to our usual schedule. We are loving this amazing weather, and we are just enjoying spending time outside in the sun!

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