Our week was pretty low key, but so relaxed and great. Lucas has been rocking the sleep lately. I might be jinxing myself for saying this but we haven't seen a 5 o'clock wake up call all week! Yup you see that first photo where its 7 am and my child was still blissfully sleeping, pretty sure that alone makes this week awesome. Plus he's started napping like a champ too, I have so much time to do things...and sit down and read its amazing. I'm pretty sure its cause when this child is awake there is literally no stopping him. He is constantly on the go, and now practising his new fave pastime - standing! He actually has been able to stand unassisted for a total 20 seconds now! Lord help me but I fear walking may not be far in the future, and I just don't think I'm ready for that.
The week started pretty cold, I'm talking long pants and hats to the park, only to get better by the end of the week, where we switched to shorts, yay!
Lucas has been loving finger food lately, and he's actually really good at it too. He's never been a picky eater, thank god, and he loves his veggies just boiled and on his tray (cut up obviously in acceptable pieces). I need to keep an hawk's eye on him though, cause he likes to stuff several pieces in his mouth, and then proceed to gag (eyes rolling).
Besides that I made a mouth watering roasted butternut squash and onion soup that the whole family loved, we chilled and went shopping in pjs (well Lucas did I put on more acceptable pants), and I made some awesome lunches with notes for the hubby, I'm a great wife like that hehe.
How everyone else had a great week, and is enjoying the long weekend!

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