
Happy Birthday Gianni!

Happy Birthday to the most amazing husband and best friend a girl could ask for!  You bring so much laughter to my life, and make everyday the adventure I always hoped it would be.  You are the great father I knew you would be, and Lucas is so lucky to have you, and he loves you so much!
Can't wait to continue celebrating birthdays together, growing old with you surrounded by love and our children! 



Little Letters (vol.8)

Dear Me - stop being so hard on yourself, and remember that you are doing a great job

Dear Mommy Blogger - I am in love with this post from Kristal at Mama at Home, its speaks directly to the kind of parenting philosophy I have adapted for our family, and it was great to know I am not alone.

Dear Bills - I hate you, that sums up how I'm feeling about that.

Dear Morning Walks - I am loving mine and Lucas' morning walks and coffee outside, the weather has been quite hot and muggy, but the early mornings are just the perfect temperature.

Dear Hubby - Can't wait to celebrate your birthday this weekend, and kicking it off tonight with just the two of us at the movies holding hands like we are dating.

Random Fact - I love coffee, sometimes drinking more than one a day, but I have this silly habit of nursing the same coffee for a long time, and then it gets cold, and so I rarely ever finish a mug of coffee :)



Sleepless nights

Sleep has been bad for me lately, and there is no one to blame but myself.

Lucas sleeps the whole night, he goes down at about 8-8:15 and sleeps until about 6-6:30 (we sometimes have earlier mornings when he teeth are bothering him), the hubby and I usually hit the sack around 10 after we tidy up the living room, and unwind from the day.  Falling asleep is usually not a problem, I get maybe 3 solid hours of sleep and then its a battle the rest of the night.

I have a lot on my mind lately, decisions to be made, normal family worries, mom anxiety, all the things that plague most women, and I guess its just starting to take it toll on me.  During the day I'm busy caring for my little one, and when he naps I'm always trying to get ahead with housework, and prepping dinner, so there really isn't any time to think about things and worries.  The ironic part of it is that I have never been happier in my life.

I'm blessed with a son who fills my life with laughter and new experiences everyday, and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing him learn a new skill that you have been fostering, as he blossoms under my care.  My marriage is as always rock solid, notwithstanding normal daily annoyances like the husband leaving clothes on the floor (you know what you did Gianni!), we have a great and open relationship that allows us to air out grievances when they happen so they don't fester and cause bigger issues that don't need to be there.  My days lately have been filled with activities with the little guy, and we have reached a new groove with the amazing weather that has blessed us lately.  The house is generally tidied, laundry done, and homemade meals hit the table every night, making my inner domestic goddess that much brighter.

So gosh darn it why can't I sleep!

Hopefully I can find a way to unwind the brain at night, and stop worrying about the little things, especially when all the big things are so amazing.  For now at least once a week I have been playing catch up with sleep and cuddle against Lucas for a nap, can't complain really about that!



Wordless Wednesday - Farm Day

Last Friday we took Lucas to Springridge Farms, a reknown family fun farm in Ontario, along with my mother and sister in law, and a family friend.  The day was blistering hot, and Lucas barely napped before we got there, but you wouldn't know it.  He was all smiles and laughing the whole time we were there, he enjoyed seeing all the animals and watching all the older children play, can't wait to see him there this fall for their pumpkin festival, he will be more mobile by then and be able to partake in more of the activities. 

Here's a photo recap of all our farm fun!

There is really no other appropriate attire for a farm than overalls, and boy does my munchkin look adorable in them!

I just love this photo of Lucas!

Some fun with Daddy while Mommy gets his lunch ready!

Its hard to get a photo of everyone looking at the camera haha.

Even he knows how hilarious this is!

I loved this kick off to the summer, can't wait for more fun family things to do this year! 



Lucas is 9 months!

I'm seriously having a hard time fully grasping that a whole month has already gone by!  So much has happened in Lucas' development this month, and I will say it again, cause it bears repeating, I'm in love with this stage in his life.  He is becoming his own little person, and his father and I are just enjoying the wonderful ride that he is taking us on. 

The little man has been talking up a storm lately, I only wish I could know what was going on in that little brain and what he's actually saying. Sometimes the tone in which he makes his gibberish sounds are quite hilarious, especially when I tell him not to do something. His new obsession is growling out noises when he's upset or super excited about something, we have a few videos of it and I really need to find a way to post them. Mama and dada are still his primary words although he recently started waving hello and saying hi.

He has definitely gone through a growth spurt this month, and I have a feeling one day this kid will be towering over me. He's fairly lean though so despite the fact that some of his 9 month clothes still fit him they are short on him. He reaches the top of the kitchen table already and he loves to find new things to reach and climb, unfortunately the stove is one of them so we have really been strict and enforcing a don't touch the stove rule.

He sprouted two more teeth this month which always affects his appetite for a few days. Usually he rejects his bottle when this is happening but this time it was meals which was fine, it just made feeding him a battle sometimes and he would switch from wanting to be spoon fed one day to only wanting to self feed another day. Thankfully it looks like we are at the tail end of it right now and he seems to be back to his usual hungry self. If anything he's actually snacking more now, usually wanting a snack after his afternoon bottle, or one before his afternoon nap.  New foods that he tried this month were grapes, which is loves, fishies (which have been a go to snack), lunch meat but only oven roasted turkey and ham and I buy the natural unsalted brands, fresh strawberries were also a hit, and pasta with tomato sauce.  Lucas is not a picky eater at all, which makes meals a lot easier, especially now that he enjoys finger food, he pretty much eats what we eat, the only exception we found this month was I made a carrot pureed soup and he disliked it so much that he shut him mouth firmly and pushed my hand away which he has never done; and which is very curious since he eats boiled carrots all the time.  Needless to say that soup will not be making its way to dinner table anytime soon.

A big development this month is he is pretty much walking! I have a whole post set up to talk about how this happened and hopefully I can upload the ton of videos we have been taking to track his progress. He still doesn't have a complete grasp on his balance so for the most part he pulls himself up using anything really and then he makes moves, falling down whenever he loses his balance, although this week he started bending his knees to prevent himself from falling or when he feels he is losing his balance he just puts himself sitting. We are pretty darn proud of him and try to give him as much opportunity to practice his new skill as much as he can.

He is starting to recognize animals and right now lions and bears are his favourite, hence all the growling that has been happening lately. He also loves cats but that's probably cause both my mother and sister in law have cats, and this past weekend he actually reached out and tried to grab one of their tails, not sure how the cat felt about it but Lucas thought it was a riot.  We are planning to go to the zoo this summer and I'm thinking he will really enjoy it.

Lucas is still as smiley as ever, and now I think he understands how much people enjoy it, as we find that sometimes he may be playing and all of a sudden he will look up at me or his father and just smile; its the most adorable thing ever.  When he sees family, or even strangers at the store for that matter, if you give him any sort of attention he will smile and start talking to you, he's quite the social butterfly.  We just started a new mommy and baby music class this week that allows for more exploring time, which works so much better for Lucas, cause sitting for a 45 minute class just wasn't working for him anymore.

Sleep has still been pretty good, even though Lucas tends to me an early riser, his bedtime is still 8-8:15, and he falls asleep on his own, the hubby usually gives him his night bottle after I read him a story, after a cuddle and a kiss from daddy he's put in the crib awake, and he moves around until he's comfortable and falls asleep.  Sometimes he actually puts his aquarium on by himself!  He's napping twice a day, a one hour nap usually in the morning, and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, sometimes he switches, but its rare.  We did have one weekend thought where he slept both days til almost 8 so he only napped once those days.  I have a feeling when he will start sleeping in, that will probably be when he drops the second nap.  He goes down for his nap also awake, I usually read him a story, give him a cuddle and put him down, he's actually stopped fussing, and just falls asleep with no incident.  We had a few rough days when he was teething, but I just took advantage and napped with him :)

Wow if you're still reading pat yourself on the back lol.  Here's what everyone wants anyway, cute pics of the little man!

This one is so great Gianni said boo and this was Lucas' reaction, so funny.

Here's a little 9 month in, 9 months out action!

My how my little man has grown in the last 9 months!



Week in Photos (25/52)

This week has just been amazing.  Lucas and I have fallen into a new summer routine and we are both just loving it.  The weather was overall fantastic, and because the little man cannot sit in his stroller for very long periods of time we have been taking 3 separate walks during the day, and I have to say that I love it.  Usually a morning walk, one in the afternoon to play at the park, and then in the evening after dinner with daddy.
Tuesday I was woke up feeling a little under the weather, and since I mastered all the laundry the day before, and the house was tidied, I enjoyed a book and tea while Lucas had a nice long nap in the morning; which was exactly what the doctor ordered.  I felt so much better and relaxed, so that I was ready to enjoy some outdoor fun with the little guy in the afternoon.
We capped off the week to a fun family day at a near by strawberry farm, where Lucas loved seeing all the animals, and playing in the dirt.  We headed to the in laws for dinner later that evening, where Lucas got to hang with his new favourite person, his uncle Raymon.  The little munchkin must have gotten more sun than we expected cause he ended up having a rough night which means that today was spent relaxing, with a quick trip to the store for groceries, which was fine by us since today the promised rain came out. 
 Hope everyone else enjoyed the sunshine while it lasted.


Little Letters (vol.7)

Dear strawberries - you juicy and beautiful things will be savored and devoured this weekend, along with finding your way into some lovely baked goods.

Dear Summer - thank you for finally arriving this week, the family and I have been basking in your amazing warmth and lovely blue skies, I heard you may be cursing us with some rain this weekend but I will forgive you.

Dear Phone - just realized today that I am taking on average about 100 pictures a week if not more, thank you for having an awesome camera so that I always capture the great and unexpected moments in my life.

Dear Lucas - I still can't quite grasp how you are 9 months old today! You continue to make everyday better and more fulfilling! (full 9 month post coming soon).

Random fact - I love to be indoors, reading and just relaxing, I was quite outdoorsy growing up living in Portugal but grew out of that as a teenager. Now that I'm a mom I'm really loving the outdoors again!



Little Explorer

I'm loving this new phase that Lucas is in right now!

The last month has really allowed for his personality to start showing, and it is so darn playful!  I sometimes find myself just watching him, as he learns to entertain himself, and I glimpse smiles when he reaches a toy, or a small chuckle, and I wish I could be in his brain and know what he's thinking.  I'm so fascinated by this phase, and what wonder kids go through as they are learning to discover and appreciate their surroundings.
Lucas is so inquisitive, and you really cannot make a noise or touch something that doesn't make him want to know what its all about.  Unfortunately that also applies to things he shouldn't touch like electrical wires, and household tools that have no place in his hands.  So we are working on letting him know what his limits should be.  Children at this age start to "understand" the meaning of no and don't touch, even if they don't actually obey it.  We are making an effort though to not dish out the word no for everything, as we feel it will eventually lose its cadence, and later on have no effect whatsoever.  No is used really for things that he does or touches that will put him at risk, such as the above mentioned wires that he has taken a fond interest in lately; no need for any sort of electrocution to occur just cause Lucas likes to try new things by biting them with his new chompers.  For other explorations that have been occurring, which are natural to a child's development, but that we wish to curb, especially if they are going to land in his mouth, we try to use negative sentences without really using the word no.  An example of this is when Lucas reaches for the dirt in the backyard we tell him that we understand he finds it fascinating but he shouldn't put it in his mouth cause its yucky.  For some this all may sound very silly to try and rationalize with a child, and trust me I am fully aware that he is most likely not understanding a word I say, the proof is in the million times that I have had to repeat that sentence cause he keeps gunning for the dirt, but eventually its going to sink, I can only hope.
The more important part of trying to rationalize with the little man, or not always dishing out the word no, is that we don't want to stunt his clear love for exploring, and we want him to continue finding the world around him fascinating.  Also another component of this theory stems from a book I read in the early days of motherhood called Superbaby by Dr. Jenn Berman (she also has great tips on her website), that by fostering good language and communication with your child will be a benefit to both you and your baby in the long run.  The cornerstone to this is promoting a respectable sense of communication with your child.  Another example of this is when Lucas fusses to get his diaper changed, or he gets upset when a toy is not doing what he wants it to do and he cries, instead of saying you're okay, or removing him from the situation we try narrating to him what is going on.  For example: I understand that you aren't enjoying the diaper change but it needs to be done and it will be over soon, or I see that the toy is bothering you would you like me to help you with it.  For some this sounds all very unnecessary, and sometimes its not foolproof, Lucas still cries throughout his diaper change, or he just moves on from his toy, but we feel the effects of raising him this way will manifest itself eventually.

However we do see some of the ramifications of this sort of communication with Lucas already.  He looks at you when you are speaking to him, and the smile he bestows when you are explaining something to him, well that's the icing on the cake if you ask me.  The reality is that Lucas is a very happy and smiley baby, and he fusses and cries for very specific reasons (hungry, tired, and teething), but overall his disposition is on the sunny side.  I find that his mischievousness is often associated to his new found love for exploring that has come hand in hand with his new skills of moving around.   We just keep on explaining and loving him as he learns and explores along the way.

I can't wait for all the new adventures that Lucas will be taking us on!



Wordless Wednesday - Weekend Festivities

Father's Day weekend was just darn awesome!  The weather was fantastic, and it was spent with all our loved ones! Get ready for a super photo blog.
We kicked off Saturday morning with some fun park time, just us and the little man.
Love love this picture of my boys! 
Gianni's birthday is also at the end of this month, so I splurged and got him a super father's/birthday present, the BBQ he had been wanting for over a year, pretty sure that smile says how much he loved it! 
Lucas with his aunt and uncle (and his godparents!) 
Sweet summer chilling with his cousin, now if only they would look at the camera at the same time!
With his Avos (grandfather in Portuguese), that's my dad and my grandfather! 
Before the mosquitos came out in full force the kiddies enjoyed lighting up some sparklers, love Emily's face here!
My adorable baby sister, who is so not a baby anymore!
The dads don't seem all that interested in the sparklers, hehe
Sunday the in-laws came over for dinner for celebration part 2.  Here Lucas is spreading some love for his daddy with his adorable doodle pants!
Practising his walking with his Nonno.
Aww just chilling with his nonna.

Hope everyone else had a great time celebrating the dads in their lives.  



Week in Photos (24/52)

It was a great week around here.  We got some good weather just in time to do all our planting in the new backyard, and then it rained the next day, talk about good timing!  Lucas loved spending the day outside with his dad and nonno, while they planted, he may have eaten dirt for the first time (mommy shakes her head in mortification while the child just looks at me like I'm a mad woman). 
I took some adorable photos of Lucas for his father's day cards, but really when is a photo of the little man not cute.  We headed out for a small mommy and baby date to Tim Hortons for a coffee, and bagel for Lucas.  We were seated near the door, and he kept smiling and waving at everyone as they came in, my little social bug.
I was crafty again this week; I'm loving creating things, even if its just sprucing up a table in the house.  I really want to try my hands at painting a piece of furniture so I'm working up the courage to do that.
Even though Lucas has had some really early wake up calls again this week (he's cutting two more teeth after all), and fighting some of his naps, I still found some time to enjoy a little mommy time, and I got the house cleaned and all laundry done...yup I was feeling like super mommy this week that's for sure. 
Hope everyone had a lovely week!



Happy Father's Day

To all the amazing dads in my life, especially to my husband who is the best dad to our little man.  Hope everyone is enjoying your weekend!



Little Letters (vol. 7)

Dear Dad - I remember visiting you in your office and sitting on your knees while you made phone calls, and you gave me paper to draw on; then you would play the penny game with me for what seemed like hours, even though I knew you would get bored with it long before I did.

Dear Dad - I remember the day we spent the whole day shopping for Mommy's birthday, just the two of us, and you asked for my opinion on what to buy, and then you took me to the bakery to grab a cake and got a treat for me on the way home.

Dear Dad - I remember all the times you would take the girls and I on weekend excursions, singing in the car, making everything feel like an adventure.

Dear Dad - I remember every song you have sung to me, and now I sing them to my little guy cause they are still so special to me.

Dear Dad - I remember every argument and disagreement we have had, all the lectures you gave me, all the words of wisdom you have imparted, all the times when you just talked to make sure I knew what I was doing, and it may not have seemed so back then, but every lesson has stayed with me.

Dear Dad - I remember you walking me down the aisle, holding my hand so tight I didn't think you would let go, and crying when you left my house the night I moved out.
Dear Dad - I remember you holding your grandson for the first time, and I finally understood all the pain and love you have been going through since I was born.

Dear Dad, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of everything you gave me growing up and just because I don't say it often, or maybe at times you think I have forgotten, your love is an important part of my life.  I have your good memory, so I could never forget all our times and moments, and feel blessed that we keep making memories.  Love you.