This week was pretty good. The hubby was off on Monday so we took advantage and had some family fun. Lucas had his first Mandarin lunch and loved it, then we headed to costco to do some shopping, the little guy is obsessed with the lights at any store.
The weather was on the glum side on Tuesday so Lucas and I hung around the house, but the boy looked adorable in his doodle pants!
Mid-week Lucas was cranky city, not sure if it was cause the weather got warmer, or it was his teeth, cause they made a huge leap forward this week. But he finally cooled down eventually. He tried waffles for the first time this week and loved them! We really lucked out in the food department, his new fave this week in cucumber, we bought baby ones cause the seeds are softer and easier to digest, and he likes them cold.
Thursday Lucas was rocking some cool Superman duds, and we just chilled, or rather baked in the heat. Lucas has not been falling asleep in the stroller lately on our walks, but this week he passed out good after a trip to the park, tell me you saw the pic of his hat over his eyes and him in blissful slumber.
The week ended pretty relaxed, he was in much brighter spirits so I got to get some cleaning done around the house, while he played around me. All in all pretty great.
We start music and reading classes again next week so I'm pretty excited!
Just one more of his little cuteness in doodlepants.

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