Last Friday we took Lucas to Springridge Farms, a reknown family fun farm in Ontario, along with my mother and sister in law, and a family friend. The day was blistering hot, and Lucas barely napped before we got there, but you wouldn't know it. He was all smiles and laughing the whole time we were there, he enjoyed seeing all the animals and watching all the older children play, can't wait to see him there this fall for their pumpkin festival, he will be more mobile by then and be able to partake in more of the activities.
Here's a photo recap of all our farm fun!
There is really no other appropriate attire for a farm than overalls, and boy does my munchkin look adorable in them!

I just love this photo of Lucas!
Some fun with Daddy while Mommy gets his lunch ready!
Its hard to get a photo of everyone looking at the camera haha.
Even he knows how hilarious this is!
I loved this kick off to the summer, can't wait for more fun family things to do this year!

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