Dear strawberries - you juicy and beautiful things will be savored and devoured this weekend, along with finding your way into some lovely baked goods.
Dear Summer - thank you for finally arriving this week, the family and I have been basking in your amazing warmth and lovely blue skies, I heard you may be cursing us with some rain this weekend but I will forgive you.
Dear Phone - just realized today that I am taking on average about 100 pictures a week if not more, thank you for having an awesome camera so that I always capture the great and unexpected moments in my life.
Dear Lucas - I still can't quite grasp how you are 9 months old today! You continue to make everyday better and more fulfilling! (full 9 month post coming soon).
Random fact - I love to be indoors, reading and just relaxing, I was quite outdoorsy growing up living in Portugal but grew out of that as a teenager. Now that I'm a mom I'm really loving the outdoors again!

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