
Little Letters (vol.6)

Dear Hubby - I love that you love the little notes Lucas and I have been leaving on your lunches, we just want you to know how much we appreciate everything you do for us.

Dear Unread Books - I am slowly getting through the mountain of new books I just read.  I've been really on top of the housework, so its nice to kick back with a coffee and read while the little guy naps...thank you Lucas for 2 hour naps!

Dear New BBQ - I cannot wait for the Hubby to fire you up this weekend, and enjoy some sun (hopefully), good food, a beer, and good company.

Dear Crafts - I have been in the crafty mood lately, and my craft box and house appreciate it lol

Random Fact - Not many people know this but I actually met the hubby through facebook, it was a random poke (do you remember when facebook had those), on my part, and I'm not sorry I did it, cause well for obvious reasons!


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