The last month has really allowed for his personality to start showing, and it is so darn playful! I sometimes find myself just watching him, as he learns to entertain himself, and I glimpse smiles when he reaches a toy, or a small chuckle, and I wish I could be in his brain and know what he's thinking. I'm so fascinated by this phase, and what wonder kids go through as they are learning to discover and appreciate their surroundings.
Lucas is so inquisitive, and you really cannot make a noise or touch something that doesn't make him want to know what its all about. Unfortunately that also applies to things he shouldn't touch like electrical wires, and household tools that have no place in his hands. So we are working on letting him know what his limits should be. Children at this age start to "understand" the meaning of no and don't touch, even if they don't actually obey it. We are making an effort though to not dish out the word no for everything, as we feel it will eventually lose its cadence, and later on have no effect whatsoever. No is used really for things that he does or touches that will put him at risk, such as the above mentioned wires that he has taken a fond interest in lately; no need for any sort of electrocution to occur just cause Lucas likes to try new things by biting them with his new chompers. For other explorations that have been occurring, which are natural to a child's development, but that we wish to curb, especially if they are going to land in his mouth, we try to use negative sentences without really using the word no. An example of this is when Lucas reaches for the dirt in the backyard we tell him that we understand he finds it fascinating but he shouldn't put it in his mouth cause its yucky. For some this all may sound very silly to try and rationalize with a child, and trust me I am fully aware that he is most likely not understanding a word I say, the proof is in the million times that I have had to repeat that sentence cause he keeps gunning for the dirt, but eventually its going to sink, I can only hope.

However we do see some of the ramifications of this sort of communication with Lucas already. He looks at you when you are speaking to him, and the smile he bestows when you are explaining something to him, well that's the icing on the cake if you ask me. The reality is that Lucas is a very happy and smiley baby, and he fusses and cries for very specific reasons (hungry, tired, and teething), but overall his disposition is on the sunny side. I find that his mischievousness is often associated to his new found love for exploring that has come hand in hand with his new skills of moving around. We just keep on explaining and loving him as he learns and explores along the way.
I can't wait for all the new adventures that Lucas will be taking us on!

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