These are just a short list of some of the items that we loved, some starting at 6 months, others even earlier, and will probably continue to be on the top of our list.
1. Munchkin Mesh Teethers/Feeders - These came in handy when we started introducing certain fruits to Lucas, but more so when he was teething. I still often put an ice cube or two in there and he will walk around with it and just suck for soothing on his poor gums. Sometimes I even put frozen pieces of fruit , but he's not often a fan of that.
2. Toy/Sippy cup Straps - These were actually a gift from a friend, and I love love them. We have used them on his stroller to avoid losing a precious toy, and sometimes strap the toys to his high chair at restaurants to avoid said toy from either constantly falling out of reach and to not touch the grimy floors. I have to say that I haven't used it yet for the sippy cup since I was still until this point really assisting Lucas in drinking from his cup, but he has become more independent in that regard so I have a feeling this will be really handy next time we are out for dinner. Also I always have an extra strap in my diaper bag just in case!
3. Fisher Price Healthy Care Booster Seat - Everyone in my family has one of these, and with the family growing every year it has become a staple at gatherings so each little one has a place to sit. We also love this seat for family dinner dates, since I'm not a huge fan of some of the high chairs at eating establishments, we take this with us, and this way Lucas always has a clean and sanitized tray to eat from.
4. Baby Einstein Videos - I have always loved this series (and the follow up Little Einstein that now airs on Disney Junior). When my little sister was growing up I bought her these and she loved them, and I'm glad to say that Lucas is equally enthused by them. We are still on the level one videos, which are usually soothing music, with wonderful nature and stimulating images, Lucas already recognizes some of the characters, namely the sheep, he smiles and starts talking to the tv whenever he appears. Lucas' tv viewing is limited, so I try to pic programs that will enrich his vocabulary and brain activity, that being said, he watches the Einstein video for about half an hour, usually before his morning nap, and he is always playing at the same time, so not completely focused entirely on the screen.
5. Baby Einstein Aquarium - As you can tell I have a propensity for Einstein products. We installed this in Lucas' crib around the time we started sleep training, and initially it did nothing for the little guy, nor was he very interested in during the day, but now its a godsend! It helps soothe the little guy during nap time, and the star at the front is large enough that Lucas often puts the thing on himself in the middle of the night if he wakes up.
6. Anais Swaddling Blankets - These were also a gift when Lucas was born, and they are great! They are larger than the conventional swaddling blankets, which since the little guy is quite the mover when he sleeps it ensures that he is always (or at least almost always hehe) covered during the night. They are also quite thin, which is also another reason why they are hit in this house, since Lucas inherited his father's propensity to be hot, and he sweats a lot when he sleeps, he really needs something that isn't heavy on his body.
7. Dr. Browns Bottles - I know there are several moms out there that hate the extra contraptions that these bottles have, but I also there are an equal amount of moms who swear by the these due to those same extra pieces, and I'm one of them. Do they make washing bottles more of a chore, yes I'm not going to lie, but Lucas had the habit of inhaling his formula and other bottles would cause hiccups, and more than the usual spit up, and we found that these bottles really helped due to the vent air system. They are also known for diminishing colics, and I'm not sure if they are one of the reasons, I'm not going to claim that without proof, but Lucas never had colics, I'm just saying.
8. Stackable Cups - Lucas has his fair share of toys, what with parents who don't want to deprive him, and grandparents, that are only too willing to add to his collection. These are perhaps the first toy that he actually started playing with, and not just putting in his mouth. It was, and still is a joy to see him watch us stack them up for him, only so he can come and tear it down. We have now started to show him how to stack them, and always pointing to the colours, these also have lovely animal imprints at the bottom, which we also always point out. Overall a great stimulating toy, that will eventually continue to be of use when we seriously start learning colours.
9. Baby Breeza Steam and Blender - This is a great item for moms out there who are making their own baby food. It steams, and blends all in one, so you can put whatever item you are making set the timer and walk away, and once everything is ready and cooled it has a convenient spout to pour it into freezable cubes (a full containers worth of food conveniently fills a tray of 4 ounce baby freezer cubes). Even now that Lucas is eating mostly what we eat, this has still come in handy for fruit concoctions and smoothies, and steaming small amounts of veggies for lunch.
10. AngelCare Video Monitor - By far the best money I spent on a baby item! These are not cheap, but if you are a slightly neurotic, and worrywart mom like me, no piece of equipment if going to bring the kind of peace of mind like this one. It has a SIDS prevention care pad that you install underneath the mattress that monitors your child's heart rate, and an alarm will go off if the heart stops, or even if it detects any sort of discrepancy. When we first moved Lucas to the crib at 3 months, we realized he has a small case of sleep apnea (which has since gone away), there were a few nights when he would stop breathing for a fraction of a second between breaths, and every time it happened the alarm went off! Also I love being able to just see him in the middle of the night from the comfort of my own bed, and this was an amazing asset when we were sleep training, I could see he was fine, and did not need to rush to him unnecessarily. Its expensive (almost $400), but I would recommend it to anyone!

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