I am having a hard time grasping that Lucas' birthday is a very short two months away. Obviously I have been planning it already but that is besides the point, my baby is almost a full blown toddler and he makes so many new discoveries and advancements everyday, its enough to make this mama a little misty eyed.
The biggest achievement this month by far has been his walking, and pulling himself to a standing position on his own. If you haven't checked my post on this last week check it out here it has a great little video if I do say so myself of some clips I've compiled this month. This new found independence has been great as I find that he entertains himself a lot easier, as he is always out and about discovering, and looking for new things. Clearly this drives me a little batty sometimes, since he finds ways to discover things he shouldn't but this will be a battle I will be fighting for years to come so I may as well buckle down and accept it. I have to admit that the only detriment to a having Lucas walking so early is that unlike most parents at this age who can still "contain" their child for longer periods of time in a stroller, I am not so lucky. A short trip to the mall requires me to allow Lucas to stretch his legs and walk around for a bit, or else he gets super cranky from being cooped in his stroller. The fact that this kid has boundless amounts of energy doesn't help much. Don't get me wrong people, I actually am thoroughly enjoying this phase, and it does also lend itself to more freedom on my part, I just miss those times when I would grocery shop and wouldn't have to stop and let Lucas walk down an aisle or two to avoid a meltdown.
Not sure about his weight and height, but he is officially wearing 12 to 18 month clothing, and his appetite has no bound lately. Breakfast I have to say is his least favourite meal, and it is often a battle to get him to eat anything in one sitting, which results in eating some fruit and toast at the high chair and then maybe a cracker, or more fruit after a morning walk. We discovered just last week that Lucas can now tolerate yogurt (yay!), but only the drinkable kind, and he is also starting to enjoy and digest certain cheeses. Dinner is his fave meal, and I think it has something to do with the fact that both the hubby and I are together with him, I get it kid its a little boring when its just mama. He still has 4 bottles of formula during the day, but he's been fussing for his night bottle the last 2 weeks, not sure if it has something to do with his dinner consumption, and if I should really worry about it...thoughts people.
Lucas has started saying yeah, which is incredibly adorable, since he actually says it in context. He also says DA (which means give in Portuguese) and surprisingly he also says this one in context, mainly if I am holding something that he wants, mainly a drink (this kid is always thirsty lately). Another recent discovery is when he's eating, he will mumble MMMM like he's enjoying it, I have a feeling he's copying us since we often say "Mmmm isn't this good Lucas, don't you like it".
Nothing new to report in his sleep patterns; we just had a rough week when Lucas had another bottom tooth cutting through, but the moment the tooth made its appearance sleep was back to normal, thank God. I'm a little spoiled with Lucas' sleeping habits the last few months, since we implemented and stuck to our sleep training plan, Lucas has always slept the night, and this was the first time that his teething affected his nighttime sleep.
Lucas is extremely social, and usually will be shy for the first 2 minutes he meets you, and then next thing you know he's trying to get your attention, wants to be held, or is snatching at your clothing. He absolutely thrives at his music class with the other kids, and is not afraid to get into their faces and attempts to talk to other children; its so amusing to watch. He has learned to high five this month, and will do so 2 times in a row, very excitedly.
He's mildly obsessed with his mama still, which is fine by me, the feeling is completely mutual. He adores his nonno, much to chagrin of his nonna he will always run to my father in laws arms first hehe. I loved seeing him play peek-a-boo with his tia (my little sister Gyselle) this past weekend, and couldn't help but think that it seemed like yesterday when she was the one who needed to be entertained with such childish fare, and now she was looking after him.
Love his serious face in this outtake.

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