Boy was Mother Nature on a serious PMS binge this week! The GTA was hit with a huge storm this past Monday, causing massive floods, damage, and just general mayhem, since weather like this is just not expected in the middle of the summer!
The rain caused a city wide blackout, and my husband grabbed this eerie picture of the city just before he headed home (in the nick of time too, since shortly after he got home, we heard news that the highway got flooded!).
Thankfully we live north of the city, and although we experienced some torrential downpours it was nothing compared to the city. My in laws were unfortunately affected more so and had some flooding in their basement, which isn't surprising since this was the scene in front of their house.
The weather has continued to be temperamental, so here's hoping that good old gal Mother Nature, gets over her tantrum so we can continue enjoying the summer!

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