I'm seriously having a hard time fully grasping that a whole month has already gone by! So much has happened in Lucas' development this month, and I will say it again, cause it bears repeating, I'm in love with this stage in his life. He is becoming his own little person, and his father and I are just enjoying the wonderful ride that he is taking us on.
The little man has been talking up a storm lately, I only wish I could know what was going on in that little brain and what he's actually saying. Sometimes the tone in which he makes his gibberish sounds are quite hilarious, especially when I tell him not to do something. His new obsession is growling out noises when he's upset or super excited about something, we have a few videos of it and I really need to find a way to post them. Mama and dada are still his primary words although he recently started waving hello and saying hi.
He has definitely gone through a growth spurt this month, and I have a feeling one day this kid will be towering over me. He's fairly lean though so despite the fact that some of his 9 month clothes still fit him they are short on him. He reaches the top of the kitchen table already and he loves to find new things to reach and climb, unfortunately the stove is one of them so we have really been strict and enforcing a don't touch the stove rule.
He sprouted two more teeth this month which always affects his appetite for a few days. Usually he rejects his bottle when this is happening but this time it was meals which was fine, it just made feeding him a battle sometimes and he would switch from wanting to be spoon fed one day to only wanting to self feed another day. Thankfully it looks like we are at the tail end of it right now and he seems to be back to his usual hungry self. If anything he's actually snacking more now, usually wanting a snack after his afternoon bottle, or one before his afternoon nap. New foods that he tried this month were grapes, which is loves, fishies (which have been a go to snack), lunch meat but only oven roasted turkey and ham and I buy the natural unsalted brands, fresh strawberries were also a hit, and pasta with tomato sauce. Lucas is not a picky eater at all, which makes meals a lot easier, especially now that he enjoys finger food, he pretty much eats what we eat, the only exception we found this month was I made a carrot pureed soup and he disliked it so much that he shut him mouth firmly and pushed my hand away which he has never done; and which is very curious since he eats boiled carrots all the time. Needless to say that soup will not be making its way to dinner table anytime soon.
A big development this month is he is pretty much walking! I have a whole post set up to talk about how this happened and hopefully I can upload the ton of videos we have been taking to track his progress. He still doesn't have a complete grasp on his balance so for the most part he pulls himself up using anything really and then he makes moves, falling down whenever he loses his balance, although this week he started bending his knees to prevent himself from falling or when he feels he is losing his balance he just puts himself sitting. We are pretty darn proud of him and try to give him as much opportunity to practice his new skill as much as he can.
He is starting to recognize animals and right now lions and bears are his favourite, hence all the growling that has been happening lately. He also loves cats but that's probably cause both my mother and sister in law have cats, and this past weekend he actually reached out and tried to grab one of their tails, not sure how the cat felt about it but Lucas thought it was a riot. We are planning to go to the zoo this summer and I'm thinking he will really enjoy it.
Lucas is still as smiley as ever, and now I think he understands how much people enjoy it, as we find that sometimes he may be playing and all of a sudden he will look up at me or his father and just smile; its the most adorable thing ever. When he sees family, or even strangers at the store for that matter, if you give him any sort of attention he will smile and start talking to you, he's quite the social butterfly. We just started a new mommy and baby music class this week that allows for more exploring time, which works so much better for Lucas, cause sitting for a 45 minute class just wasn't working for him anymore.
Sleep has still been pretty good, even though Lucas tends to me an early riser, his bedtime is still 8-8:15, and he falls asleep on his own, the hubby usually gives him his night bottle after I read him a story, after a cuddle and a kiss from daddy he's put in the crib awake, and he moves around until he's comfortable and falls asleep. Sometimes he actually puts his aquarium on by himself! He's napping twice a day, a one hour nap usually in the morning, and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, sometimes he switches, but its rare. We did have one weekend thought where he slept both days til almost 8 so he only napped once those days. I have a feeling when he will start sleeping in, that will probably be when he drops the second nap. He goes down for his nap also awake, I usually read him a story, give him a cuddle and put him down, he's actually stopped fussing, and just falls asleep with no incident. We had a few rough days when he was teething, but I just took advantage and napped with him :)
Wow if you're still reading pat yourself on the back lol. Here's what everyone wants anyway, cute pics of the little man!
This one is so great Gianni said boo and this was Lucas' reaction, so funny.
Here's a little 9 month in, 9 months out action!
My how my little man has grown in the last 9 months!