Its just been one of those up and down weeks around here. Some super high moments and others where I've questioned my sanity by the end of the day.
These found their way home with me at the beginning of the week and I'm so not sorry. Its all the goodness of a smore without the mess (although I love a messy smore on a warm summer night).
A little guy around here really wants to walk and stand on his own but he still doesn't have the proper coordination for either of those things without assistance, but it doesn't deter him from trying. Also he has this habit of climbing into the shower while I'm getting ready in the morning, and this face of "you caught me red handed mom what are you going to do about it" pretty much makes my day every time.
We had a few cooler weather days around here this week but I didn't let that us stop us from enjoying the day outside as much as we could. I'm that mom that actually loves taking the kids to the park and running around with them. Watching Lucas yell out ready, set, go EVERY single time he runs down the slide always brings a smile to my face. Marcus is still a little unsure about how he feels about the swing and his suspicious face is just too priceless. I think he's just bummed cause he watches his brother running around and wants to be doing just that. I wouldn't be adverse to letting him crawl around the park but unfortunately our local one is mulched.
Date nights are very far and in between around here, not that we don't have willing baby sitters in my in laws. I have a hard time leaving the boys for the evening, and I feel guilty putting bedtime routines on the shoulders of others. I do know that we need to make time for ourselves though and I love that the hubby and I find other ways to have alternative "date nights". Wednesday was just an epic day around here so we picnicked that night after the boys went to bed, and it was just what I needed to recharge by batteries.
Sometimes just sitting and having a meal without feeding little mouths and avoiding epic spills is nice. Having a conversation about our days and actually "spending" time with one another after the boys go to bed is really important to us to stay connected.
Marcus is teething. He's also staying awake during the day for longer periods so I've had to adjust his nap times. Unfortunately it means that both boys go down for their afternoon naps at exactly the same time. Its not been going very well, and Marcus takes a little longer to settle, and he's spent more time wanting to nap beside me. I could mourn the loss of me time this week, or the fact that the laundry is piled way higher than usual but instead I will realize that these years are fleeting and enjoy the extra snuggles.
Yesterday it was 8am and I already wanted to bust out the baileys and spike my coffee! Why are toddlers so unreasonable sometimes. I went to change Lucas for the day and I unfortunately chose the wrong shirt, and an epic tantrum ensued. Naturally I had to document it because that face and the indignation over a shirt will make it to his graduation slide show one day.
This kid and mirrors! He always watches himself in this mirror in the front hall, but today he decided he was looking too cute and just had to kiss his face. I can't say I blame him.
Even though the day started rough I had to run errands so I thought it may be brave and stupid but lets head to costco and tackle the day. Well both boys happily sat beside each other sharing a bowl of fishies, and were just angels the whole time we were out. I'm counting my blessings and tucking the memory in my pocket for the next time this isn't quite the case.
I'm really looking forward to the weekend as we are celebrating my in laws 40th wedding anniversary!
5 on Friday with A. Liz Adventrues, Carolina Charm, Hello! Happiness, and The Good Life.
Friday Favorites with A Little Bit of Everything, Momfessionals, and Grace and Love.
Oh Hey Friday with September Farm and The Farmer's Wife!

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