Every Mothers Day we think about our moms and all they have done for us and how much they mean to us. As a parent myself now on this day I can't help but look at my two wonderful children and I am amazed at how much they change and learn everyday, and I know its largely because of my wife. I stop and think about how much love and effort she puts towards them every moment, and I'm amazed by her every day.
Even before they were here with us the love and effort began.
Going through fertility treatments and all the blood tests and ultrasounds, all of the different medications and the waiting and hoping She never waivered always knowing that one day she'd hold our little bundle of joy and every last displeasure would be wiped from her thoughts. Once our first son was ready to meet us she went through a tremendous effort, for hours on end of labour and finally ending in an unscheduled C-section. Even after this, when she held him, you could see it all go away from an unconditional love she has for him. Sleepless nights and crazy days with Lucas kept her busy and craving coffee, but never taking the easy way out. She was always planning activities and educational games to make sure Lucas had everything he needed, and was always getting the best of her.
When we started trying for baby number two, she was subjected to all the same medical trials as the first time but having Lucas in tow. Little Marcus came to us via C-section as well. Even though it was planned it was not easier for her, the recovery was more difficult the second time around. I was able to be home for a couple of weeks to help out, but the mommy in my wife and love in her heart couldn't let her rest too much around these boys. Again there were more sleepless nights and crazy days. Lucas is very active and that means his mom was going to be too. Chasing him around, Marcus in her arms, meant not much rest for mommy. Even with all this going on the planning and activities never stopped, only grew to meet the needs of a two year old and a newborn at the same time.
I come home from work and I see my beautiful wife with our kids. Everyday I realize I'm the one bringing home pay checks but this is where the important work is being done. I know she hasn't slept much, probably skipped lunch and has been denied even a moment of peace to use the washroom. I look in her eyes and I see the love she has for our kids and that is all she needs to keep going. I feel lucky that she is the mother to our children. I feel lucky that this special woman is my wife.
When she walks into the room our boys go to her as quickly as they can, even if I am coercing them to stay with me. I know that the way she loves them, that even at 40 they will go running to the best mommy there is. I'm not jealous. I can't blame them for loving her more, in many ways she is their everything. As she is mine.
**Umm. Ok. Give me a minute here. I have to go find a corner to cry from these beautiful words that I didn't even know my husband had in him.***

How AMAZING is this?? Love, love, love!!