So after months of trying to sleep train Marcus and not having the success we had with Lucas I had resigned myself to middle of the night visits with the little guy. He wasn't waking up due to hunger, we had successfully weaned him from the middle of the night feedings at 5 months when the doctor gave us the ok, it was more a habit that he had of getting me to come in there and rock him back to sleep after fussing for 10 minutes. I would go in there a lot quicker than I ever did with Lucas because now I had a sleeping toddler in the next room who wakes at the slightest sound. Well I'm glad to report that Marcus' sleep has gotten much better, and he's successfully putting himself back to sleep in the middle of the night without any help and without any fussing really.
I'm still so tired.
Cause now I have to sleep train myself to sleep when that baby is slumbering so soundly in the next room and realize that he isn't going to wake up and need me. Oh and he's an early riser. Like 5am early riser.
At least he's sleeping.
I don't feel like I get that traditional case of the Mondays being a stay at home mom; but lately the weekends have just been straight up awesome around here so Mondays then tend to feel kind of sad since the hubby has to go back to work. This week though I needed a do over really bad. Both boys were up at 4:30am, neither of them were in particularly good moods because of it, I had a mountain of laundry that could no longer be neglected, and until both boys went down for their afternoon naps I struggled big time to entertain them and keep my cool. I decided a quick trip to the park before lunches was in order to fully tire them out, and long naps were had by everyone, and I mean everyone including mommy.
So when the hubby suggested take out sushi for dinner I could kiss that man silly!
This picture of the boys from this week just kills me.
I foresee a lot of future arguments and disputes over who gets the car.
We have never used a pacifier with our kids and neither of them needed a lovey to fall asleep. When Lucas turned 1 he started wanting a blankie to sleep. We used Aden and Anais swaddle blankets so we had enough that he always had a fresh one for nap and bedtime and since he wasn't attached to one specific one we were golden. He still likes to sleep with the blankie but it's no longer a necessity.
All this back story because about a month ago Lucas woke up in the middle of the night screaming. This is a very unlike him. He's woken in the middle of the night before but he's always been a good sleeper that he could move around a bit and eventually settle on his own. Something was obviously wrong. I went in there to try and calm him down and he was visibly upset and not calming down and he was refusing to go back into the crib as if he was afraid. It broke my heart to see him scared and not know what to do, and I didn't want to bring him into bed with me and encourage him to be afraid of his own bed. So the husband had a stroke of genius and remembered that he had been recently obsessed with this stuffed hulk doll that his uncle gave him. So we told him there was nothing to be afraid of but that hulk would stay with him just in case to watch over him. He clutched it and fell asleep no problem. It's now been an addition to his bed and seeing him clutching this hulk doll is enough to make me laugh every time.
And hearing him say nigh nigh hulk every night in his sweet little voice is too cute for words.
If you missed it, yesterday Gianni wrote the sweetest mother's day letter to me on the blog. We don't get a lot of thank yous as mommies and its nice to know that your partner appreciates you for everything you do. You can read his sweet words here.
Hope all you moms out there get what you all want and deserve this weekend...which we know is to just sleep in!
5 on Friday with A. Liz Adventrues, Carolina Charm, Hello! Happiness, and The Good Life.
Friday Favorites with A Little Bit of Everything, Momfessionals, and Grace and
Oh Hey Friday
with September Farm and The Farmer's

Over from the Momfessionals link up! Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you get some extra Zzzz's and 10x the loving from your babies this weekend. The Hulk doll makes me chuckle. I guess that is a good sleeping buddy to have to keep the bad dreams away! xo Amanda
ReplyDeleteFound you from Momfessionals also! I just read your hubby's post, and it made me tear up, how precious!
ReplyDeleteYour hubby is so sweet, love that post :)
ReplyDeleteAnd, now I want sushi after seeing that photo, yum!
love this post! - Seri from