So I finally watched the infamous Grey's Anatomy episode. Thanks to the internet I already knew what to expect yet it still didn't prepare me for the tears that inevitably came. I have loved Derek Shepard's character from the beginning, and I'm not too sure how I'm going to love the show without him.
I have a little escape artist on my hands. I used to be able to put Marcus on the floor in the front hall while I got everything in the car before heading out to run errands. Yup not so much anymore. This week while I was quickly putting the stroller in the trunk (I literally had been away from the front door for 2 minutes) I head back to the house and find this monkey trying to make his way towards me and his brother. After I took photos because why not, and got over a mini heart attack I made a mental note to try and get things ready the night before from now on!
We headed to St. Jacobs yesterday when the husband surprised us by taking the day off. I have a recap post scheduled for next week but I can't wait to dig into the fresh veggies we got while at the market. Especially the first corn of the season. We consume a lot of corn around here during the summer months and this will be Marcus' first cob, can't wait!
I'm loving this adorable moment captured between my two boys this week. I grabbed Marcus after his morning nap and he instantly gravitated to his brother, his attempt to tackle to tackle brother was too cute. Sweet moments like this make having children is what I live for.
This boy.
Lucas has been very anti posing for pictures lately so when he decided to cheese it up the other day for me was too much for this picture loving mama!
I'm looking forward to a pretty relaxed weekend with the boys.

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