While Marcus has his morning nap I usually use that time to do a little school work on some days with Lucas, and sometimes we craft. I try to keep it as unstructured as possible for now since he's still so young and technically he's already doing the preschool work of a three year old. Sometimes I'm feeling brave and we get messy, but since Marcus only sleeps for about 45 mins in the morning I don't want to deal with a big clean up before I have the two of them again running around and needing attention.
Lucas already knows his alphabet, both lower and upper case. The next step is learning to write them out, and many of the preschool websites I use for work sheets and reference suggest doing dot letters to ease into writing. Although we have dot markers, on days when I'm looking for a mess free learning activity I decided to use stickers instead.
I found this pack of garage labels at the dollar store so its super inexpensive. Also they come in three different colours so it be used for a lesson in patterns as well.
I would call this a success and I will be doing this often with Lucas who loves stickers anyway.
This is really good fine motor skill practice as well.
I would love to hear of other mess free ideas for learning and teaching preschoolers.

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