We had a pretty busy weekend around here but also found time to just relax a bit too which is always nice.
We started things off great with a much needed hair cut for the biggest of the boys. I love his curls and how they tend to droop over his face, it somehow makes him still look like my baby. But the bangs in front of his eyes were getting a bit much, and little dude was sweating up a storm with all the extra hair. He does look like such a big boy with his newly shorn head.
I love this picture of the boys. Marcus is on the move and he literally always wants to be right where his brother is. Here he's playing with Lucas' toes and the look on big brother's face clearly shows he's non too impressed with this.
Something about a baby in just a diaper always puts a smile on my face.
We gave Marcus his first baby approved pasta bolognese and he was clearly a fan. Kid really likes food!
I love this impromptu moment between the boys after dinner.
Saturday afternoon my in laws came over to watch the boys while the hubby and I went out to celebrate our anniversary. We didn't do anything too spectacular, ran a few errands and went to ikea which is always a treat for me cause ikea with a toddler that wants to touch everything is exhausting! Afterwards we went to an early dinner at our fave sushi place where it was so nice to eat my food hot for a change and to indulge in a cocktail.
After dinner we went to chapters for a bit cause I can't honestly remember the last time I browsed for books all on my lonesome. And that right there in my hand is a bag full of books that I got to peruse before purchasing!
As dates go it was low key but since this was the first time I left Marcus for an extended period of time it was just what I needed.
Sunday morning we spent extra time snuggling in bed with the babies and kept it pretty low key. When we don't have any plans we like to make big breakfasts and hang out. While Marcus has his morning nap we either snuggle on the couch with Lucas or maybe work on a craft.
We recently relocated this ottoman in our living room and this is Lucas' new favourite way to watch his morning cartoons.
Sunday afternoon we had my cousins communion and it was nice seeing my family. We don't get together as often as we would all like cause we are busy with work and kids.
Me and my baby. Just love the after nap cheeks he's got going on here.
I've said it before and it won't be the last time, Lucas is obsessed with his cousin Emily. He literally spent most of the evening chasing her around and hugging her whenever she let him. She's kind of partial to him too.
This picture of the cousins just does wonderful things to my heart! I love that even though the boys aren't looking at the camera they are lovingly looking at each other. Best brothers!
Pretty much the only decent family picture we got. The struggle is real with a baby and toddler for family pics.
I love my mom!
I love my dad too. Can you tell we are related?
And finally the girl of the hour!
The hall where my aunt and uncle held the dinner was a mere 10 minutes from my house so we got home before the baby fell asleep so we could do story time and bottle before bed.
The hubby and I finished off the night with an episode of big brother Canada and passed out shortly after the kids. It's a glamorous life around here.
Hope everyone else had a great weekend.

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