At the beginning of March we celebrated Marcus' baptism with our closest family and friends and while I love to throw a good party I realized how much work and time management it requires when you have an active toddler and a demanding baby whose needs require to be met first and foremost.
This is literally the best photo I got of this kid in his dapper outfit. He wouldn't sit still for the rest of the day except for the snooze he took courtesy of his Nonna during mass!
With his godparents, Gianni ' s sister and cousin.
With his future girlfriend. Our best friends had a little girl two months after Marcus was born.
This sweet boy is both full on terrible twos some days, and then the most affectionate little person ever. I most times don't even need to ask for hugs and kisses, he doles them out like its his job.
We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with some crafting. Say the word paint and this kid starts undressing himself and gets hyped up. I love that he loves crafts as much as his mama, although I'm dreading the logistics of crafts like this with two.
We celebrated the fact that we had the first mild day in weeks with a little homemade chalk paint and watching the birds outside.
We moved Marcus out of the infant seat recently and this is pretty much how he sits the whole time he's in the car unless he falls asleep. His eyes peeled on his brother. I'm pretty sure he loves that he's got a better view of the world now.
This is literally Lucas, all day, everyday. Getting himself into shenanigans and situations that makes me just shake my head.
We recently introduced finger food to Marcus, a full month early than his brother because someone was too interested in how his big brother was eating and wanted in on the action. We had been practising with puffs for a few weeks so he could perfect his pincer grip and recently he got the hand to mouth coordination down pretty well.
We celebrated Easter with our families and matching yoda baskets, because why not.
This is my favourite photo from the holidays. These two precious cousins have grown closer the last year. The seek each other out the moment we get anywhere, and then its five ten minutes of just hugging and kissing.
Easter at Nonna's house where we got ten minutes of peace with nonna's old school "play pen".
This Kid. That face. Its so sad he doesn't have any personality hehe.
We finally made it to the park on a mild day, and this one wasn't too sure how he feels about the swing quite yet.
So Marcus started crawling already! 7 month birthday exactly like his brother, and now whenever he realizes I'm in the kitchen he follows me in there. I will never make a cup of coffee in peace again. This face though, as if he's saying "Mom not too sure where you're going without me!"
This Kid. That Face. Yup my kids lack so much in the personality department.
We recently celebrated my niece's 4th birthday! This pic of my sister and Marcus is just too precious for words. She's the best aunt ever.
Of course she's as frozen obsessed as most girls in the world, so she kind of flipped out when she saw what the boys had given her.
This moment right here. Lucas started chasing and following Emily around calling her Elsa, and whenever they would make it to the end of the house they would stop for hugs.
Mild days after the longest winter call for lunch picnics outside.
So I had started noticing that Marcus was gaining some confidence in pulling himself into a standing position so I last minute decided on Sunday to get the hubby to put his crib down, and by last minute I mean 2 minutes before I was supposed to put him to bed. What I put the husband through. Either way, good call on my part cause this is how I found the little guy the next morning, looking all sly.
And standing position conquered. This only means that I'm 100 times more exhausted at the end of the day making sure he doesn't fall and hurt himself, and I'm dreading the realization that he's bound to be walking in another month or so like his brother did, and this summer will be equal parts fun and tiring. That face though makes up for the less hours of sleep I've been getting.

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