I feel like we are coming out of that fog that always engulfs parents in the first six months, before a set routine is established, and better sleep, eat and play patterns start taking hold. Even though Marcus unlike his brother is still not quite sleeping through the night, we have a daily routine that has been working great for the three of us. We were able to establish a nap routine much quicker this time since we worked around big brother's routine, and I worked hard to establish a simultaneous afternoon nap so this tired mama could get some much needed me time, or a nap alongside the littlest. I have always been a firm believer that routine is key in establishing good sleep patterns, and overall it fosters a sense of security for children, so making sure that I found a groove with two kids has been essential for my survival.
Life some days is hectic, other days riddled with a groundhog effect of routine. After the most awful winter we have been stuck indoors a lot and cabin fever with two littles is not easy. I have become a mom who loves the outdoors, and I know that Lucas is just dying to be outside running around from sunrise until sunset. I secretly can't wait for that too, Lord knows that child has way too much energy that has taken everything in my arsenal to expend during these cold months. We've spent more days than I can count not leaving the house at all, since towing two around is not the quickest or easiest thing to manage sometimes. I have found though that sometimes a quick jaunt to the store, or library is enough to recharge my batteries with the little guys, and now that Marcus is out of his infant seat, we are loving that he gets to sit in the cart or big stroller and watch the world.
I have loved watching Lucas blossom into this big kid, and truly the most affectionate big brother. He puts himself in his car seat, patiently walks alongside me at the stores, and overall just listens better. Obviously its not like that everyday, he is still a temperamental toddler that can lose his crap over being given the wrong sippy cup. Overall though he's matured a lot in the 7 months that he's been a big brother, and thank god he still hasn't outgrown the need to cuddle with his old mommy, I need them way more than he does.
Well that's where my mind is at lately, and hopefully I can get back into the swing of things and keep updating on a more regular basis. Happy week everyone.

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