
Scenes from the Weekend

I always try to get things around the house handled during the week so that we can spend the weekend doing what is really important...spending time together.  This weekend we started it off with a trip to our community pool and took Marcus swimming for the first time.  He loved every minute of it!  We also introduced Lucas to swimming early and found that he has never been afraid of the water.  Lucas actually swam on his own with a life jacket for the first time and he loved the freedom. 

The last few days Marcus has been fussing for his afternoon naps, not that he doesn't want to sleep, he just wants to sleep in bed with me.  I love the fact that both boys nap in the afternoon at the same time so I catch up on chores or to have some much needed mommy time, but having him snuggled up against me isn't so bad too.

We took advantage of the nice weather and played outside on Saturday evening, grilled some dinner and had the first corn of the season.  Both my boys are huge lovers of corn like their daddy.

On Sunday we spent most of the day relaxing and enjoyed a nice dinner and visit from my sister in law and the hubby's cousin who also happen to be Marcus' godparents.  I love these last minute visits, sometimes they're better than when you know you're going to have company cause it takes the pressure off from making everything so right and you can just enjoy the moments. 

I'm just loving this spring weather and being outside after what felt like the longest winter.  Hope everyone else enjoyed their weekends!


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