Sheaffer, and
Mel again for a new monthly Wednesday link up where we all catch up on some randoms going on in our crazy mommy lives.
What we're eating this week
Yesterday was one of those days, and I'm not fully recovered from the endless tantrums or from the super cranky teething baby. When I'm in one of those moods I tend to bake, cause when hasn't a cupcake or cookie made anyone feel worse. Never. So I'm making a double batch of my famous Chocolate Chip Oatmeal cookies, and if I find the time cherry muffins and veggie bites (if the oven is going to be on may as well stock on some healthy snacks for the kids).
What I'm reminiscing about
We took the boys to the zoo on Monday and I was looking through photos and I caught this wonderful gem of Lucas.
I couldn't help remember that I had almost the exact same photo from the first time we took him there when he was a mere 10 months. I can't quite believe that he will be 3 in the three short months. Lord he tests me like nothing I can describe lately, but that face...oh that face can light up my darkest hour without even trying.
What I'm loving
Warm weather. The sun is out. And we are outside most of the day. I love that if the boys are acting nuts, which is very often lately, that I can stick hats and sunscreen on them and head outside and play in the yard, or head to the park and shake all those crazy willies out of them.
I'm also loving the new Canon Rebel camera that last month I was coveting as a Mother's Day gift, and which my hubby actually surprised me with. I've been playing around with it and making the boys indulge me in impromptu photo shoots. They complain sometimes, but then I get gems such as this one.
What we've been up to
Not much to be honestly besides enjoying the nice weather and living for the weekend where we get to spend it all together.
What I'm dreading
The hubby has a few work obligations in the next few weeks which means a couple of late nights a week and a few weekend visit to the job sites. This all means that I'm going to be riding bedtime solo and I'm dreading it big time. We have a really good system of teaming up bedtime with each of us diving certain responsibilities so I'm not looking forward to having to tackle those all by myself.
What I'm working on
We have been cleaning up out backyard gardens. The snow and winter last year kind of fell on us all of a sudden and we didn't get to prepare some of our plants for the winter season. So we are replanting a few bushes and working on our veggie garden. This year we planted tomatoes, carrots, arugula, radishes, our usual herbs, and onions.
What I'm excited about
Date night!! The hubby and I are having a much deserved date on Saturday. Heading out to a movie and dinner to a VIP theater near us that I have been dying to try. A movie theater that will deliver a cocktail to me is my kind of heaven.
What I'm watching/reading
I have a night table full of books that I am currently trying to read but it just hasn't been happening lately. One thing about being able to take the boys outside to play will mean that I might actually get to read a little.
I am however reading a lot about homeschooling preschool websites. We had been contemplating putting Lucas in a preschool next year to get him ready for kindergarten but the only available ones are pricey and in the private sector. In all honesty Lucas has most of the requirements for kindergarten since that kid is a sponge when it comes to learning. He's long mastered his alphabet, numbers, shapes, patterns. So I'm reading a lot and planning lessons and a curriculum and going to continue preparing him myself, since we've been successful so far. This summer I'm going to take it easy and just insert some learning in play activities. If you're interested I've pinned already a lot of learning resources but would love to know if anyone else has other suggestions.
I'm researching groups that I can take Lucas though to help him being around other kids in organized settings, but the kid is really social so I'm not too concerned. But if any readers from Toronto have any suggestions I would love to hear them.
What I'm listening to
I just started downloading a whole bunch of tunes onto my phone so the kids and I have some fun tracks to listen to while we are chilling in the back yard. I have varied tastes when it comes to music. You will find country, pop, hip hop and reggae all in the same mix. The boys and I have been have some major dance parties to Mark Ronson's Uptown Funk though lol.
What I'm wearing
Lord nothing too crazy or fabulous that is worth documenting.
What I'm doing this weekend
DATE NIGHT! Cause it bears repeating and capitalizing.
Also planning on taking the boys to the splash pad near our house which has always been a huge hit with Lucas I can't wait to see how Marcus reacts. I love these pics from the first time we took Lucas when he was his little brother's age.
What I'm looking forward to next month
The hubby's birthday is next month and I have a few things planned to make it special for him. He does so much for us on a regular basis and the end of June will mean the end of the crazy month of work so I think he deserves a little extra this year.
What else is new
Not much I have covered here really except that Marcus started wanting to walk this week but can't figure out how to stand and move at the same time which makes for a very frustrated baby. Plus he wants to climb...everything.
Also I feel like Marcus is becoming more aware of the concept of play so he wants to get into his brother's things, and therefore he follows Lucas all the time, which doesn't make big brother too happy. I caught this moment on Sunday which looks peaceful with Lucas simply taking his brother's hands off his toy but ended in tears from everyone. Oh well won't be the last time this sort of scene occurs.
What is your favourite thing to grill in June
There is nothing I love more than meat on the grill followed by a grilled veggie salad! And now that I have said that I'm off to take steaks out of the freezer for dinner.