300 weeks.
9125 Days.
219000 Hours.
My parents have stood the test of time, and in an age when couples dispense of their wedding vows without a care, or a fight; my parents have stayed together and beaten the odds. I won't get into their complete story, maybe one day if my mother lets me tell it, but they got married amidst controversy and a lot of people thinking they wouldn't make it. They stood at the altar knowing that people expected them to fail, but all that mattered on that day for the two of them was how much they loved one another and building a life together was all they really wanted.
They were going to celebrate this year with a party but unfortunately they were unable to do so; however my sister and I thought it would be a shame to not commemorate somehow this milestone. So we held a very small dinner party for them at my house, with just our immediate family, and it was the nicest evening. My mother knew we were having the party but it was a complete surprise for my father, which was double the fun, since he's the hardest person to surprise, I swear he has a sixth sense and always knows when something is happening. I don't have that many photos since my mom hasn't sent me the ones from her camera yet (yup mommy I know you're reading this, where are my photos! hehe), but here are some of the décor. I did a centerpiece of white and peach flowers as a nod to my mom's original wedding colour scheme, and my sister bought the banner at Party City.
I grew up with such an understanding of how much in love my parents were, as they were never afraid to show affection and emotion in front of their children. When I was younger I may have been grossed out to see my dad pinch my mom's rear end, or walk into a room and see them in a loving embrace; but as an adult I now appreciate it. So many couples stop being couples after children are added to mix, and my parents always included us in everything they did, but they were still an item throughout it all, and we never not knew that.
Their adorable grandchildren would only sit for a few seconds so this is the least blurry pick I had in the bunch.
Here they are, looking just, if not more in love than they did on their wedding day!
I only hope that one day Gianni and I can celebrate our 25th anniversary, and that our children will feel the same about how we love each other. Here's to another 25 you crazy love birds!

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