If you missed it yesterday I shared some news in the Baccega household. I am officially a Stay at Home Mom, and I could not be happier with the decision. It requires a lot of managing both in time and finances, but we both know that this will be a huge benefit to our family, and its what is right for us. A friend of mine posted this on facebook and its just too appropriate.
Yesterday was kind of a tough afternoon, Lucas woke up too early from his nap, and sometimes I can get him to settle for another hour but there was nothing that would soothe him. So in turn he got cranky and mommy felt stressed and just a tad cranky herself. So what did I do...I baked a batch of apple muffins with the little guy and we both in a much better mood. I will post later today the recipe, they are amazing, not too sweet and freeze really well for a great snack for the minis. I'm thinking of adapting the recipe with other fruits, and veggies.
I have decorated the house for fall finally, and I will post all the details, but I'm currently in love with the painted pumpkins we did as a family craft night to decorate the front porch table. They turned out adorable, Lucas had so much fun finger painting, and the hubby got really into it too; so much so that he decorated one side of his pumpkin with the eye of Sauran from the Lord of the Rings, what a nerd.
This is the first free weekend we have had in a while, and the next few weeks are going to be a little crazy, so what are we doing with the free time...cleaning! The house is in a bit of a mess cause I'm still kind of adjusting to Lucas' new schedule, so I'm taking advantage and sprucing up the abode. The hubby thinks my obsession with cleaning and organizing is hilarious, and he calls it the Portuguese in me. I can't help it growing up Saturdays was for cleaning the house, and the smell of cleaning products brings back all sorts of memories lol.
Its October which means its time for Halloween outfits! Lucas is currently sporting his awesome skeleton pjs, and loving every second of it!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

those pumpkins are precious! what fun memories! love, love, love!!