So, this may not come as a surprise to many, but as of Lucas' birthday I am officially a STAY AT HOME MOM, and I could not be happier. This was something that the hubby and I had discussed prior to getting pregnant, and we had both expressed the intention of me staying home to raise our children until they reached school entering ages. We figured that we would see how the year panned out, and make the final decision closer to when my maternity leave would be ending. Either way, I would be procuring a new job if that was the decision since I was very unhappy at the office I was employed prior to maternity leave.
After Lucas was born, and as the months seemed to just fly by, we both knew that staying home with Lucas was inevitable. It was something we both strongly felt about...I wanted to be home to raise my son, and future children. This in no way diminishes what I feel about working mothers, both my own mom, and sister work and I commend them for their decision, I just personally cannot see myself leaving him to the care of someone else, since I feel that I am the most adequate for that position, and why I had him in the first place.
I feel like since becoming a mother a big void in my life has been fulfilled, a purpose that I knew deep down was missing. I know this sounds like I'm putting a lot of expectations on Lucas, but I don't see it that way. The way I see it is that I am privileged enough to stay home and raise my child, and that I finally found a job that means everything to me.
Eventually I would love to be able to do something that allows me to work from home and opening my own business is a dream that I plan to fulfill down the road. For now I am doing what I love, a job that pays in moments spent with my little man, bonuses given with unprompted kisses and hugs, and performance reviews given by the seeing every single milestone and accomplishment with my own eyes. As far as I am concerned I'm living the dream right now.
And just cause I found this from a fellow stay at home mom....

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