I dressed up Lucas in a hand me down monkey costume from his cousin, and although the pants fit fine a month ago, Lucas confirmed my suspicions that he just went through a growth spurt when there were no way the pants were getting on him. My child will one day tower over his mother that I am sure of. He looked absolutely adorable in the what did fit him, but it was a feat to get a good picture of him cause he couldn't stand still for a moment.
We went to the Halloween party at our play group, and it was a zoo, since yesterday it was for all ages. There were so many people there, that at one point the coordinators had to stop letting people in. Lucas always loves going to the group, and his favourite activity is always the musical toys or the balls. Yesterday I was such a proud mommy when he figured out how to get the ball in the basket, and then that was all he wanted to do; until someone finally put some tunes on, then Lucas was the only kid just dancing up a storm in the middle of the circle, it was quite a sight. Every year we go trick and treating with my little sister, and at first I thought she had outgrown us, as she had said she wanted to go with a friend this year. I'm not going to lie, its the only tradition I have every loved about Halloween, and I was feeling a little sad that she didn't need me; so imagine how giddy I was when my mom asked if I could take her after all. All order was restored in my world. Lucas stayed with my parents, I still think he's too young to go out trick and treating, plus it was pouring here last night. I'm pretty sure he and my parents were happy to spend time together if their smiles are any indication in this photo.
After a long and full day, I passed out the moment I got home, and Lucas slept until well past 7am, so all in all it was a winner of a day!Hope everyone stays nice and warm this weekend!

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