I can't believe its Friday already, this week has completely flown by. We've been keeping busy with crafts, I have the house pretty much decorated for the holidays, and I'm ready for some relaxing times with my boys this weekend. Linking up with the lovely ladies Darci, Liz, Christina, and Natasha.
Tomorrow are our family Christmas photos and I'm pretty excited. I'm mildly obsessed with taking family photos, and this session is turning into an annual tradition. I love filling the house with professional photos, and our photographer has been taking our photos since Gianni and I got engaged! Last year the little guy was a mere 2 months, and he was too cute beyond words, and very well behaved. I'm praying for some good behaviour tomorrow, and I have timed them to when he is at his best mood during the day. Here's a look back at his cuteness from last year.
The weather got really cold this week, and we finally got some flurries. The snow didn't last long in my area, but it was enough to have Lucas and I go out and explore the snowflakes on the grass, which was great since coincidentally this week we did snowflake crafts! His cute bundled self was to die for, and thank the Lord I found a hat that he can't rip off! Kid is exactly like his father, always too hot, and hates coats, gloves, and hats...its going to be a long winter for this mama if its going to be a struggle every time we go out!
Next week its my birthday! 31. Wow. Officially got my first year of my thirties done, and it was pretty darn great. Last year I had a whole shindig at my house to celebrate my thirtieth, but this year I'm keeping it very low key. Dinner out on Thursday with my boys to my fave sushi restaurant, a day date with my littlest man, maybe a movie date with the big guy on Friday, and then on Sunday we are thinking of heading to Niagara on the Lake for a family day. All in all should be a lovely celebration.
After three weeks of constantly waking up at pretty much five in the morning Lucas woke up yesterday at 7! and still had a two hour nap in the afternoon. Alleluia! The days have been pretty long around here due to these early mornings, and sometimes I was lucky if Lucas got a good nap. Darn molars really messed with him, but the last one is finally cutting through so I'm hoping this means he will back to his regular schedule, for all our sakes!
My mother told me of a co-worker who recently lost her brother to cancer. He left behind his wife and three kids, one of which is a mere three weeks old. The man lost his battle to the illness after being diagnosed only nine weeks ago. Obviously the wife is struggling to make ends meet, and my mom had asked if I had anything at all of Lucas' that I could donate to their new son. I was so moved by this story, and I filled two boxes of clothes, and diapers to send to her. It really made me take a moment and be thankful for the blessings in my life, and for having my husband by my side. Life is truly fragile, and precious; we should treasure every moment, and not just the special occasions. 
I leave you with this quote, and encourage all of you to hug a little longer, give more kisses, and call that someone you haven't in a while!

Dropping by from the link up.
ReplyDeleteYou're little boys pictures from last year are so so adorable. I wish we got professional pictures like that!
Happy birthday for next week.
It's heart breaking to hear about families having such a horrible loss, I really feel for that woman losing her husband especially after just having a baby. I can't imagine something like that ever happening, so sad