I get Lucas involved as much as I can, or think I should, in my daily chores around the house; even if its just a running narrative of what I'm doing. Lately he has had a mild obsession with putting his hands in the toilet (dear Lord help me), but I think its cause he's watched me clean the toilets! Oh well eventually it will all come to use.
Monday's are my laundry day, and the moment I open the washer or the dryer Lucas will meander his way into the laundry room and "help" me. Usually clothes end up all over the floor, or he tries his might to get into the washing machine, but this past Monday he actually took clothes from the dryer and placed them (well most of them) into the basket. It sounds all trivial, and like I'm promoting my 14 month old to do chores; which I'm not at all doing. However, its moments like these that show Lucas that things around the house need to get done, and toys, and clothes are not meant to be strewn everywhere. I think it lays the seed for good manners, and for making him a good little helper; especially since I detest typical gender roles, and believe that Lucas should grow up knowing how to cook and clean, and take care of himself.
All in all the cuteness of him helping me is too much to handle, and we make a pretty good team!

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