I'm so honoured to have been nominated for this award by a fellow new mommy blogger Madison. It is an award for new and up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers, it is a great way to meet new people, and to help increase your activity in the blogger world.
The Rules:
1. Link back to the person that nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the nominator.
3. Choose 11 bloggers, each under 200 followers an nominate them for the award.
4. Come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Contact your nominees and notify them of your nomination.
Madison asked the following:
1. If you could be a Disney princess, which one would you be and why?
I think it would probably be Belle just because I identify with her personality the most, she loves books, and has a big heart. I like to believe that I see the good in people for who they are and not how they want to be perceived.
2. What/who are you most thankful for, today?
My husband, hands down. Today is a Sunday and we went to a wedding last night, and he woke up after a few hours of sleep to work extra hours just to be able to provide for our family, and I am so grateful for all the extras that he does for me and our child. No words can describe the wonderful man he is.
3. What is something that is on your bucket list?
A big family trip to Portugal. I lived in Portugal for 8 years growing up, and it was one of the most fantastic experiences in my life. I have not been back since we moved back to Canada, and I would love to pack my little family and visit the motherland with our extended families, on one big vacation love fest. I am actually starting a secret little fund on the side in hopes of making this a reality in the future.
4. What is something that happened to you, in the past, that still makes you laugh when thinking about it?
There are so many I can think of but this one episode comes to mind only cause I was actually telling this story to someone recently. So you know when you are still in that new stage in a relationship and you don't want to break this aura that you are perfection to your mate, yeah well that was thrown out the window when the hubby and I went on our first weekend getaway. We drove into Niagara Falls, and decided to hit up the buffet at the casino to save some extra cash for the rest of the weekend, well I guess something didn't agree with me, and on our way to the next casino, lets just say I almost didn't make it to the facilities. Oh the horror, Gianni kept checking on me, and I was just so horrified, especially later that night when at the hotel I realized just how closely everything was, well lets just say the mystery was gone after that weekend, and he still loved me! lol
5. What is your greatest accomplishment thus far?
Being a mother. It is by far the hardest job I have ever had, but the most rewarding. Its true that when people say if you find something that you love to do it won't be work. There are hard days, but I love every second I'm not going to lie.
6. What is your greatest moment in your life?
Obviously having Lucas was beyond an amazing moment, and holding his little body was just pure heaven, but the truth is finding out I was pregnant was probably the greatest moment. After battling infertility and not know if and when we would be able to conceive, finding out that it had happened for us, and knowing that we were going to have our family, there are just no words for that moment.
7. What is your favorite blog post? Link to it so we can all read!
This post about how the hubby and I decided that we would definitely be having more children. After believing so long that one child was in our plan, it was so special and organic how that all changed.
8. Who is your favorite blogger?
Oh I really cannot answer that, there are so many lovely mama bloggers out there that I read on a daily basis and so many more I find everyday like the lovely Madison.
9. What does a perfect day look like, to you?
Wow this is a loaded question. I guess a perfect day would be one on the weekend when the hubby is home, and we get a chance to enjoy a family activity together, and Lucas is in a good mood (which as long as we are outside means he is), and capping the day off with some wine and snuggles with my love after the little guy is down for the night.
10. Besides blogging, what is your favorite pastime?
Reading! Anyone who knows me knows that I have a bit of an obsession when it comes to books.
11. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Growing up in Europe my parents used to pack us all in the car on Saturday mornings and we would go on all day excursions often with no plan at all. Sometimes we would end up at the beach, other times a hole in the wall restaurant nestled in some remote town. By far those memories are my favourite, and I often look back on them with a huge smile on my face.
My nominees:
Kristal at Mama at Home
Marta at Petit Raisin
Vanessa at Sunflower State of Mind
Marissa at Our Little Family
My questions:
1.What is your favourite mommy time activity?
2.What does your morning routine look like?
3. What is your favourite book?
4. What are you most looking forward to this year?
5.What is your favourite season?
6. Favourite blog post (add link so we can all read it)?
7. What is your favourite vacation destination?
8. What is your greatest accomplishment in life thus far?
9. Are you done having children, or are more in your future?
10.If you could meet anyone in history who would it be and why?
11. Name your favourite children's book.
There is no obligation for any nominees to answer these, I simply want to let you all know that I have you found in this great big social media world, and in some way or another I have found inspiration from all of you, and its nice to see and read about how we are all just learning daily how to raise our children to be amazing little humans.

I LOVED reading your answers! Thanks so much for participating!