Lucas has unfortunately inherited my sensitive skin and propensity for eczema and with the changing of the weather he has had a few flair ups lately, especially since he sweats a lot. It usually attacks him on the shoulders, neck and back where he sweats the most. With that being said I find the Aveeno cream is amazing! It literally clears up the rash within 24 hours and it has such a cooling effect on his poor skin. I use Aveeno products for all of Lucas' skin needs due to his sensitive skin, they are pricey but we'll worth it.
Monday Lucas and I spent the day at my in laws and the little guy got into his usual shenanigans there. This kid loves the outdoors and my in laws have a great backyard that Lucas just loves to tear apart, add the fact that he is allowed to get into anything, he always has a great time. This week him and his nonno were two peas in a pod, playing in sand, riding a makeshift cart and sharing lunch together. My mother in law was in heaven too since Lucas added nonna to his vocabulary this week.
The hubby worked really late Tuesday so I single mothered it all day, which honestly would be fine, if Lucas hadn't decided to pick that day to be in an awful mood. He was on the cranky side in the morning so I thought after a good nap he would be a little sunnier, yeah not so much. We went to the park in the sweltering heat because I knew Lucas would be entertained and when I got back I'm not going to lie I was looking forward to a nice cold drink and ten minutes to myself while Lucas had his afternoon nap. Yeah fooled again. He refused to nap, threw a fit, and then was all smiles as long as I was by his side; can't really argue with his logic. After dinner and a long walk around the neighbourhood, dude rocked bedtime routine, and I finally had a few hours to myself. No wine in the house so I grabbed a beer, some popcorn, threw in Downtown Abbey, and scrapbooked. All in all not a bad way to end the evening.
Lucas started Thursday a Fun for Ones program at our local Ontario Early Years Center. We have been doing programs there since Lucas was about 4 months, and we both enjoy the atmosphere and the people. This week they focused on sensory games, such as play dough, the sand box, and crafts. Lucas loved it so much, and was quite good at sharing with the other children. He's a very social child, and when someone new would walk in he would make a bee line for them to say hello. I enjoy meeting and talking to other moms as well, I think the programs are such a great way for children to interact, buts its great for us moms to have adult conversations as well.
I will end with this picture from this week of my little man. That smile slays me every time. When I see that face, and the sheer joy and happiness this child has its a constant reminder especially in bad days that I'm doing a good job as his mother.
Have a great weekend everyone!

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