So in his honour here are 5 photos from this week that melt my heart and showcase my baby's adorable personality.
We started off the week with a day at the Nonni's house, where Lucas always gets what he wants, which in this case was eating his jello with his hands and making as much of a mess as he wants. I must admit that I used to be really anal about the amount of mess a child makes when eating, but as Lucas has gotten older and more understanding of his surroundings I'm a little more go with the flow. Topping off his adorableness was the glass my father in law put on him, which he left on the entire time the jello playing occurred! This from the kid that I need to bribe to keep a hat on. This picture encompasses so much of his playful side, and love for all things silly; there is rarely a day that goes by that this kid isn't laughing up a storm, or trying to make you laugh with his antics.
I nearly died from the cuteness of this picture after I took it. Lucas loves loves the outdoors, and I'm pretty sure I have mentioned this before, but this mama was so not an outdoor person, I'm a book reading by the fire with a cup of coffee type of person. But Lucas has taught me that there is so much to be said and enjoyed when you spend the day in the fresh air. We have enjoyed and soaked in every last sun kissed day this summer, and I'm looking forward to crisper days spent leaf gathering, and snowball making with this rosy cheeked little looker.
First of all when I took this pic I realized gosh darn it this kid grew another inch in a mere month! He now reaches yet another shelf of his book case, and in no time he will be towering over his very short mama. Second, I am so glad that I have read to Lucas since literally the day we came home with him, even when all he could do was sit in my arms and watch me flip the pages. We started a routine of reading a story at bedtime, very early on, and I have taken him to the library and book store often. Now, he's shaping up to be as much of a book nerd as his mama, and it just warms my heart. He actually has a few favourites, so much so that if he's playing and I open the book and start reading he will stop what he's doing and sit by side to listen to the story. I really should do a post on some of his favourite books, since some of them are not your mainstream children's books.
Don't come between a boy and his love for dirt and trucks. Lucas is such a typical boy when it comes to his love for anything with wheels, which is really quite funny since its not like we have thrust on him these stereotypical boy toys, if anything he got his first cars set a month ago. But if it has wheels he will make a bee line for it, that includes strollers, shopping carts, and cars. His obsession with dirt is one I have just had to come to terms with being a boy mama. He is one happy kid when I let him roam wild in the garden getting his hands dirty, and rubbing all the dirty goodness all over himself. Unfortunately as a consequence of his age a lot of that dirt still ends up in his mouth, and this horrified mama spends a lot of time cleaning a much reluctant Lucas' mouth as he munches on rocks, sand, and dirt. This week the hubby and I took him to a near by apple farm for a day date, and all this kid wanted was to sit and play in the huge sand pit available, decked out with trucks. So we let the happy camper be, and we just sat by and enjoyed watching him having the time of his life.
We just got Lucas' One Year photos from our photographer and they are to die for. They encapsulate his personality to a tee, the silly looks, the adorable smile, the playful stares, and his infectious laughter. I'm so glad that I decided to do a smash cake for the session cause I ended up with this gem that honestly says it all!
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, I will be spending it with all my dear ones celebrating the little man who gave my life more purpose and has my house a home filled with love, laughter, and family. And be sure to check back Monday for some big news!!

Found your blog on the link up! Your lil man is too cute for words!! Love the cake smash picture! Looks like a blast! Have a great weekend!