Fall season premieres were this week, and even though I'm already behind on a few since I get maybe an hour or two of tv after Lucas' is down for the night, I'm too excited for the return of some of my faves. A great evening for me now is a nice hot tea, snuggled on the sofa with my other main man and enjoying a little down time together. I'm sure a lot of you can relate.
Lucas received a great picnic table from his aunt and uncle. So far he has figured out how to sit on it but to dismount he just ends up on the floor. However, his favourite thing to do with the new piece of furniture is his new favourite pastime of climbing. Lord help me this kid is well on his way of putting years on my life.
Lucas' learned to say the word HELLO this week, and its the most precious thing to hear, especially since it sounds like he's saying yellow. Along with his new word he has fostered a love for the phone, so his nonna bought him a play phone, which he proceeds to attempt to make a call and then pass the phone to you. Its adorable, like most things he does.
We spent Sunday at my aunt and uncles for his and my grandmother's birthday, and Lucas discovered my cousin's little car. Its a little late to get him one this year especially since the weather is just going to continue getting cooler, however his delight in riding one was too cute for words.
Lucas is really just loving walking everywhere, and its getting a little easier to manage him when we walk around places, cause he doesn't always run off (except maybe the time he ran into the bush on his auntie and nonna lol). This week we walked to the park, all on his own, no stroller, and he held my hand for 90% of the walk! I secretly loved every stinking moment.
I promise I will find sometime this weekend to organize my posts about Lucas' birthday party, his one year photos, his one year stats, and other tidbits going on around here. For now I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, we are off tomorrow to a local apple farm for a double family date with my sister.

LOVE fall TV. Parenthood is my all time favorite!!!