Entwined With You by Sylvia Day
This is the third novel in a series about the relationship between a man and woman with very troubled pasts who have an undeniable attraction. This writer sure knows how to write some steamy stuff, even regular conversations between these two characters could almost make the pages singe with the heat they're creating. I would have to label this as a semi-erotic novel, since the actual bedroom interactions (or those that happen often not in the bedroom, yup its that kind of novel) are detailed yes, but there is a lot more to the story than just the sexual chemistry between the two protagonists. I am actually a lot more interested in the personal damages they have been through and the real discussion about child abuse that the author explores, and how people who have suffered those sort of situations deal with adult relationships later on in life. Book 3 was a little fluffier than the other two as far as I'm concerned, but the author has already promised that their story is not over, so I'm looking forward to what more she has in store.
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
I'm going to be honest I hadn't heard of this series until hype about the movie started flooding gossip sites and magazines. I saw the trailer and was intrigued, so in true Sylvie fashion I sought out the novel first, and was pleasantly surprised by how much I seemed to be enjoying it. The writing style is at times youthful, since it is categorized as a young adult fiction, and the pace at times was a little unnerving, but overall I found the characters engaging, and interesting. It centers around a Shadow world of wolves, vampires and Shadowhunters (who are part Angel), and the main character has grown up not knowing she is actually part of this world, in a very fundamental way. I actually saw the movie two weeks ago on a momentous date night, and despite mixed reviews really enjoyed it.
Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella
One year for my birthday a friend of mine gifted me with the first book in the Shopholic Series by Kinsella, and I fell in love from the first page. The character was funny, intriguing, and empathetic enough to feel bad for her situation while still wanting to berate her for her choices. Since then I have pretty much read anything else that Kinsella has published, I do that a lot with authors, I may stumble on something new once in a while, and then I spend weeks reading just that author. To say I was disappointed with her latest efforts is putting it mildly. I actually had a really hard time finishing it, and so many times I almost gave up, and I'm not going to lie, by the end I was skimming parts just to get to the climax and get it over with. I detest when that happens with a book, cause first I still have to finish it I'm too much of a nerd not to, and second it takes away part of the enjoyment in relishing a new story. The story is kind of time and true plot, girl is in love, wants to get married, boyfriend is a true male and doesn't get the clue, so she runs off and marries an ex boyfriend whose in the middle of a mid life crisis. The story continues with the protagonist's sister trying her best to thwart her sister's wedding night so she can qualify for an annulment instead of a divorce. Needless to say I may be questioning Kinsella when she publishes again, and rethink if I want to spend my precious reading time on her again.
I hope all you other mamas are making time for yourselves and just enjoying a good book every nap in a while hehe.

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