You have filled our home with laughter, love, and endless days of running around your energetic self. You made us parents the moment that you entered this world, but throughout this year you have taught us the meaning of being mommy and daddy. For every cry that you made, we cried harder inside; for every giggle you had you brought light into our lives; for every milestone you achieved we cheered you on the sidelines. That my love, will never change. we will always feel your pain alongside you, revel in your laughter and joy, and we will always be your biggest supporters.
I embrace your independent nature, even if a little of me hurts inside when you don't need me. I encourage you to explore until your heart is content, and I will guide you as long as you let me.
You test my patience already with your strong will, and stubbornness (but I guess that's to expected with parents like us), but deep down I'm glad that you show a personality riddled with determination, and a drive to get what you want. I love that you already know how to ask for cuddles, and your kisses lately have been the highlight of my day. Watching you run to the door to greet daddy is an image I had longed for, and often I just stand there and smile as you grin ear to ear when daddy picks you up in the air. When you cry out mama cause I am the only one who can comfort you. there are really no words to describe that kind of need.
Lucas, a year ago today I held you for the first time, such a sweet sensation that no words could aptly describe. I heard your cry and knew there would never be a sweeter sound. I looked into your eyes and we both knew that love at first sight exists after all. I was blessed to have you, and I continue to feel blessed every day.
Happy Birthday my little man, no one will love you quite as much as mommy and daddy.

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