When we are reading or playing, the toys will grab his attention for a short period of time, and then he remembers I am sitting beside him, and he proceeds to climb up my chest and bang his sweet little hands against me. It drives me slightly crazy, but then he looks at me with his big brown eyes, full of happiness cause I'm holding him, and I'm a goner. Even though there have been times in the last few weeks that his clinging has driven me bananas, cause it makes doing anything slightly impossible, I am fully aware that I should enjoy it while it lasts. There will be a time in the near future, one that will creep up on me way faster than I will be ready for, where he will want nothing to do with mama. Where kissing me in a public will be just too gross, where holding my hand just won't happen cause he will be too cool for that, a time when I won't be the first person he needs.
So I keep telling myself that, and remember that I can get the dishes when he goes to bed, I can take care of the laundry while he naps, and making dinner with him in his high chair next to me is actually a lot more entertaining. For now I'm just going to sit on the floor and let the kid climb till his heart is content, and I will smile along with him.

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