The grand gestures of love are nice, and material things showing ones affection are always a bonus I am not going to lie, but the reality is that I feel like we are not a once a year lets celebrate our love kind of couple. Before Lucas we used to spontaneously go on date nights, snuggle in the theatre like two teenagers just dating, and oh no alert the presses we actually hold hands in public! Having a baby has a put a slight damper on spontaneity, but I feel like we carve time for each other when we can, and we make it a priority to do so, because we feel its important to be a wife and husband, and not only a mom and dad.
So here is just a small list of 10 things we do for each other on a regular basis that shows how we love and take care of our relationship:
1. Gianni and I always kiss before bedtime when we say goodnight, sounds kind of cheesy but I can't fall asleep properly otherwise. We have gotten into arguments before heading to bed and we hash it out and kiss before going to sleep.
2. Gianni has come home with random store bought flowers for me, and I have gone grocery shopping and come home with a movie or treat for my man. It sounds so trivial but I feel like it shows that we are always thinking of the other person.
3. Late date at-home nights. After Lucas goes down for the night we have a late dinner just the two of us, no tv, no phones, just the two of us (and a baby monitor hehe)
4. Like I mentioned above we hold hands, and this might sound so corny and trivial but its important to show affection for one another. Holding hands is a small gesture that shows we just want to be near one another, and sometimes that's important to remember, especially when it's easy to get bogged down with domestic responsibilities, bills, and everyday nuances.
5. Do a chore for each other. Essentially I have gone to go take a quick shower while Lucas is napping, or playing with Gianni and I come down to dishes done, or the house vacuumed. I'm responsible for most of the domestic stuff around the house, except the garbage so sometimes I get that done for Gianni when I know he's had a rough day at work.
6. Make dinner together. Being at home now I take a small pleasure in having a nice home cooked meal ready for Gianni when he gets home from work, but sometimes I get all the prep done and then we cook together when he gets home while Lucas plays and entertains himself. Now that Lucas is eating dinner with us, this is usually a nice time for us to talk about our days, and do something together.
7. We send each other sweet messages throughout the day. Its cute to send pics of our obviously adorable son to Gianni throughout the day, but sometimes its nice to send him a message just from me, and he repays it in kind by sending sweet notes back.
8. We take an interest in each others hobbies. Do I want to hear about the latest golf tournament? That would be a no. Do I like sitting through a 3 hour football game on a Sunday afternoon? That would be a huge negative. But on the flip side I'm sure Gianni isn't enthralled listening to me go on and on about a book I'm obsessed with right now, or sit through a sappy movie on a Saturday night. However, we try to make time for the other person's hobbies, and interests so we can spend time together, and in appreciation of one another.
9. Say you're sorry. When you're a couple you aren't going to agree on everything, and Lord knows we both have the problem of wanting to be right in an argument; so its important to sometimes just let it go and say you're sorry. This goes hand in hand with talking about a problem and not shouting about it. I have a bad temper I'm so not afraid to admit it, so sometimes I remove myself, calm down, and then come back with a refreshed perspective and can admit I was wrong. Gianni's problem is not thinking before talking, he's working on it still haha.
10. Laugh together. Laughter is supposed to increase your life span, the same applies for your relationship.
Love the one your with for their attributes and flaws, after all you CHOSE to be with them for a reason.

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