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Lucas is 7 months!
Lucas turned 7 months yesterday, and I feel like this second half of the year is just flying by so fast. I thought I was being a little over zealous starting to plan and pin ideas for his birthday party, but I have a feeling that day is going to come a lot faster than I am ready for.
Here's my little man.

And on to some stats of the little man this month:
* Lucas is still loving his solids, and we have started introducing some table food, which he remarkably chews, even though he still hasn't ripped any teeth. He still enjoys his bottles of formula though, and is now having 6 ounce bottles, with an 8 ounce bottle before bed.
*Still no teeth like I said, but I have a feeling we are on the cusp of seeing them, as this month he has been teething real bad, lots of drool and gnawing on his poor gums. We have given him a little advil on the desperate day, thankfully it hasn't affected his sleeps...yet.
*We officially have a crawler! he made huge strides at the beginning of the month, but he was doing this random bridge type crawl and would only do one step and then fall down, but this weekend he figured it out and he is now on the move. I feel like he is even more of a happy baby now that he feels more independent, and I think walking will probably come to him early as well, since he loves to do so already with our assistance.
*Lucas is a great night time sleeper, and he always has been. He is still sleeping through the night with the occasional nocturnal outburst, these are usually him moving around the crib and talking to himself until he puts himself back to sleep. He naps twice a day, usually a long nap in the morning, and a short nap in the afternoon.
*We introduced a sippy cup this month, and its a hit and miss really. We bought one with a soft spout, and sometimes he figures it out, but most times he just chews on it like a teether.
*This month Lucas started talking as well, saying Mama and Dada, and making more vocal noises like pa, and va. He is definitely a communicative baby, and loves to have "conversations" with us, which I completely encourage by talking to him and interactively reading with him.
That pretty much sums up the big events in the last month. Here are the outtakes from last nights little photo session.

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