Dear Lucas,
There are no words that can describe what I am feeling right now as you snuggle in my arms (and forgive me that may actually be from exhaustion as well as being overwhelmed by your presence). Last night after what seemed life forever you finally entered this world, and I got to lay eyes on the little soul that took my breath away, and instantly found a home in my heart. I wish I could have been the first to hold you, but seeing you in your father's arms while tears streamed down both our faces, was a moment I will treasure forever.
But that moment when they put you in my arms...ahhh...this is what bliss must feel like! You laid your sweet face on my bare chest and I could feel your warmth against my skin, and there has never been anything that felt that primal and right. I was forever changed, this little baby will forever be a part of me, and rely on me for guidance, love, and protection.
Last night you slept the whole night on my chest, as we woke every hour to nurse and you were battling mucous issues from the C-section, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. You would doze off, and even though I knew I should grab whatever minutes of sleep I could get, I would find myself staring at your face, still incredulous that you were here and all mine.
I feel like there is more that I should write down to remember this moment, and the feelings rushing through me, and yet I know there is no way that I will not remember, instead I just want to enjoy and bask in the emotional glory of holding you.
I love you my sweet boy.
Note: this letter could be a little more eloquent or even more coherent, but I guess its hard to do that with all the hormones running through you after almost 2 days of labour.

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