
I'm going to be a boy mom

If I'm going to be completely honest when I was trying to get pregnant I really wanted a girl.  I have a much younger sister who I'm very close to and I always longed for a daughter of my own one day, a little princess who I could share my interests and hobbies with, much like I already do with my little sister.  By the time I actually got pregnant, I was just so happy that on most levels I really didn't care what I was having as long as it was healthy and viable.  But as the weeks went by I was starting to long for a girl again.

My husband right from the start was convinced we were having a boy, and he was very non masochist about it, he really didn't care either way what we were having.  After 12 weeks passed I slowly started feeling like this pregnancy would be good, and stopped living in constant fear that I would lose the baby (even if at times I still found myself dreading the worse).  So I started secretly longing that the baby would be a girl.

The week leading up to my anatomy scan I started having these strong feelings that I was carrying a boy, and I had some major pregnancy dreams (that was probably one of the weirdest pregnancy symptoms I had).  The day before the ultrasound I had a FEELING it was a boy and I was excited about that prospect.  While doing the ultrasound the tech originally had some issues getting a good image of the nether regions, even in utero my little guy had a mind of his own, and then she saw it.  Hearing the words its a boy everything just changed for me; I started crying tears of joy and I was probably in disbelief for the rest of the day.  I can't fully describe what it meant to hear the news, and I was maybe in a little shell shocked and I'm not afraid to admit that thoughts of what the hell am I going to do with a boy probably ran through my mind more than once; but then I looked at the screen and say my little man and I just fell in love all over again.  Its one thing to fall in love with your little bean when you first find out that he/she is growing inside of you, it becomes an it for quite a while and you start picturing a life with both a girl or a boy, not sure which scenario will be your reality.  When you know the image becomes clearer and I just fell hard for him.  After the news sunk in, the reality of a little boy growing inside me was just so overwhelming, I could imagine him, picture this little rug rat running around the house one day.

Growing up in a house of all girls this was going to be a new experience for everyone in my family, and I was just so excited now to forge a connection with this little boy, and embrace all things sports, robots and trucks.  Having him in my life has been nothing short of amazing, and scary.  I remember the first time I changed his diaper, I just dove right into the experience, and its been a fun filled journey since then; being peed on and all.  I have a pretty manly husband, picture work boots and overalls kind of guy, who loves his sports and is a huge star wars fan.  I have learned to get into some of those things cause one day when Lucas asks me to play in the sand box with him you better believe I will be getting dirty and jumping in right there with him.


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