This last Friday we went out to dinner. Friends with kids had advised us that once their little ones got a little older and grabbier, going to dinner was more of a hassle, and less enjoyable; but Gianni and I find it more fun! Lucas is now eating solids, and he eats his dinner at the table with us on a regular basis, so I will pack a made at home dinner for him, and I usually will order something that I can offer him some as well, especially since lately he has shown an interest in "table food", and a few toys to keep him entertained. Is it a lot more "work" to eat out with a baby who wants to grab everything on the table, of course it is, but Lucas is a very exploratory kid, and we find that he enjoys people watching, so for the most part he is easily entertained; and its adorable how he charms the wait staff with his infectious smile and giggles.
Dinner can only be great when you have dates like these two.
Sharing some tickles and giggles with mommy is always a good way to keep him entertained.
Someone made his own entertainment with lifting the tray from his high chair!
Two weeks ago we started going to family swim time at the local recreation centre. Its timed perfectly for before bedtime fun, and Lucas absolutely loves the water! We had pondered putting Lucas in aquatot classes but unfortunately the times conflicted with his nap times, a schedule that I have worked hard to instill, plus they only allowed one parent to attend with the child, and Gianni was feeling left out. This way we both enjoy water time with him, and I have to say we all love it! This week we were surprised with company as Gyselle joined us for some fun swim time, which only made Friday fun that much better!
Could you not die from the cuteness of Lucas in his swim trunks!
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Lucas 7 month detail coming up tomorrow!

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