Every year I'm thankful that I get to celebrate these sort of milestones with him. Thankful for the random act of fate that put him in my path and made him my person. Thankful that he is an amazing husband and father and all around man.
In honour of his 36th (wow someone is getting pretty old) here are 36 random facts about the man of the house.
1. He's a middle child, but isn't a typical middle child.
2. He played high school football and still loves everything about the game. I kind of lose him every Sunday from September to February.
3. He is the best cook. He used to cook for all his friends parties and more often than not he cooks dinner around here.
4. He has this annoying habit of saying "not to sound like a jerk" before he says something that makes him sound exactly like a jerk.
5. He likes red wine over white. Is a bit of a beer snob. But would probably pick a bailey's over anything.
6. He said "I love you" first because he's a confident sort of man.
7. He absolutely hates to shave and he used to sport the longest beard the first year we were dating. If inlet him he would go all duck dynasty on me.
8. He is a good friend and is always willing to help any of his close knit group of friends.
9. He will call you on your bullshit and prefers to confront a problem head on.
10. He's an early riser even on weekends.
11. He's not a crier. The first time I saw him truly cry was when he felt Lucas move inside my belly.
12. On our first date he researched fancy restaurants near my house and surprised me by taking me to one I had always wanted to try. Then we took a long walk around my neighbourhood and talked and he kept trying to find ways to stall taking me home.
13. He loves loved golf.
14. He hasn't played a round of golf since we had kids.
15. When we found out we had fertility issues and they were because of me he never once made me feel like I was to blame.
16. He has taken days off from work to take care of me and the boys because he wanted to.
17. He would walk around in his underwear in the house, all day, every day if he could (oh who am I kidding sometimes he does just that)
19. He could walk in a Williams Sonoma for hours on end.
20. You wouldn't know looking at him but he's a huge heavy metal fan. Bands like Walls of Jericho and Slipknot entered my vocabulary after we started dating.
21. He used to wear band t-shirts all the time. He's gotten rid of most of them throughout the years with the exception of a few for sentimental reasons.
22. He's taken a shine to country music in his "old age" lol
23. He will eat all his sides first before the meat when we have steak dinner. He also likes his steak blue rare, a fact that I thought was gross when we first met.
24. He has two best friends. One since they were babies and the other since they were 12.
25. He will thrown his boys in the air for their amusement long after his arms have grown weary.
26. He told me he would gladly take my pain when I was in labour with Lucas and he actually meant it
27. He likes silly and sarcastic comedies.
28. He likes to say he's always right but we both know who is really winning that battle.
29. He is one hot man and by that I mean he wears t-shirts pretty much all year round (and we live in Canada so we have winter for 2/3rds of that time). He's also just pretty damn hot.
30. He snores. Big time. Like he could wake the dead kind of snoring. I'm not adverse to making him turn around so I can fall asleep.
31. He always texts and calls during the day to see how things are going with the boys but also to see how I'm doing.
32. He has the worse memory ever. Like he won't remember something from a week ago. It's gotten him in hot water. A lot.
33. When I was pregnant the first time he took over vacuuming for me and he still does it today.
34. Cheese platters are his jam.
35. He is extremely intelligent. If he needs to fix something he will research it and do it on his own.
36. He is the most attentive husband and father a family could ask for. We know that he wakes up every day working and living for our family. There is no greater love than the one he shows us on a daily basis and we are so lucky to have him.

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