
Friday Favourites

Its been such a great week, a good mix of relaxing and busy.  Thought I would play catch up here today since I have quite a few favourites this week.
Both boys are really early risers so I don't get a lot of opportunity to have some alone time in the morning before the day has to officially start.  I know I could try to wake a little before them but it rarely happens.  So this weekend after both boys woke up super early the hubby took them downstairs and let me enjoy some alone time.  My FAVOURITE thing is to just sit in bed and enjoy a good book, especially with the rain pouring outside.

Lucas is an absolute ham.  I love how much of his personality has been shining through in the last few months.  These pictures are my absolute FAVE of his funny cheese face, and well those eyes, well they may get him out of trouble once in a while.

We took the hubby out for breakfast (his FAVOURITE meal of the day), and I snapped this adorable photo of him and the littlest.  After looking back on the photos at the end of the day (admit it moms we all do this after the kids go to bed), I found it and just did a double take on how big Marcus is looking.  Those pursed lips as he concentrates is too cute.

We are big crafters around these parts, and I like to plan ahead so it keeps mess contained and organized, plus it helps having everything ready to go.  Sometimes though some paper and markers are just what is needed to get over the funk of a dreary day.  The fact that both boys were sitting together and attempting to colour was an absolute FAVOURITE this week. 

Marcus is still too young to be that interested in it, although its a great sensory activity for him.  The look on his face was too priceless.

Monday was the hubby's birthday and these pictures I snapped attempting to send a cute "Happy Birthday Daddy" message are my FAVOURITES.  Sometimes those unposed moments are the best, blurry faces and all.

This kid right here knows how to lounge when he's watching cartoons.

Lucas is obsessed with birthday candles.  To the point where often we have to light the candles more than once.  But Marcus, well poor guy was having none of it, which kind of makes this my FAVOURITE photo from all the birthday festivities.

I made homemade carrot cake, which is the hunny's favourite, and worked out cause I felt less guilty giving cake to the boys so late in the evening.  While I was slightly turned giving some to big brother, this little guy needed no prompting and gladly snatched the whole piece off the plate and proceeded to chomp away like a champ.  I cannot wait for his birthday now and watch him smash his little cake until his heart's content.


Pretty sure this is the hubby's FAVOURITE birthday card yet.

Wednesday we enjoyed a little hump day off with the hubby for Canada Day.  It was pretty dreary weather for the most part so we just relaxed at home, went for a walk, watched movies, and then enjoyed a lovely family nap.  We headed to my in laws for dinner afterwards.

My FAVOURITE Canadian boys.

Marcus passed out the moment we got into the car, while the big guy enjoyed some Mickey Mouse on the way home.  I snapped this pic on the road, and couldn't get over how grown up he looks!

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and Happy 4th to all my American friends.
Linking up with these lovely ladies....

Oh Hey Friday with September Farm and The Farmer's Wife!



1 comment:

  1. I hope you frame your little monsters' art work! That is priceless!
