It was a good weekend around here. One of those summer weekends where we spent most of the days outside and you're having so much fun that Monday comes in the blink of an eye.
I grabbed thus photo of the boys on Friday morning. This is the morning scene every day. Once I hear Marcus stirring I head downstairs and grab a bottle for him and milk and coffee for Lucas and I. I get Lucas first and for morning kisses and then he squirms out of my arms and yells out "coming Mar", runs to his brother's room and greets him for the day. They have a conversation that I don't understand too much of and they have a special moment. I always stand by the door and watch in awe and hoping for their future friendship.
After spending the morning at the park I brought my crazies home for some down time before naps.
A day always ends on a high note with before bedtime shenanigans in matching Darth Vader pj's!
We don't have much shade in our back yard. We loved into a new neighbourhood when we got married so there aren't any mature trees and the few fruit trees we planted last year are still so small. All this means that it's super sunny and hot in our back yard in the morning. So we like to hang out on the front porch and play bubbles and say hi to the neighbour's.
Our garden has been doing really well so far. No begging yet since we had a late start on the nice weather this year. We have been teaching Lucas about growing plants and taking care of them and I just love seeing him help his daddy water them.
Summer evening walks are the best. We put Marcus in the trike stroller for the first time and he was a huge fan. I was a touch worried that big brother was not going to like passing it down to his brother but he made no fuss at all and instead showed him all the toys in front and was a champ walking alongside us.
On Sunday mornings we always enjoy a nice big breakfast courtesy of the husband. I grabbed this moment of sibling play time while I enjoyed my coffee.
The rest of the day was spent out in the sun with a break fo a 2 and half family nap since a certain someone was up at 430!

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