Thought I would take advantage of this month's Wednesday link up to catch up on some stuff around here.
What we are eating this week
The hubby made a huge batch of chicken soup this weekend for all us sickies. It was Father's Day and he was doing what he's so loved for, taking care of us.
I wish I could say that Lucas will have a nice bowl of this goodness but he has been the pickiest eater as of late and it's driving me bananas! He is great with fruits and some select veggies but even some of those he's been refusing to eat. I'm hoping it's only a phase, and I make sure to put them on his plate anyway and make him a few bites but I dread meal times lately.
Also I can't help but mention the enormous tomahawk steak we grilled up this weekend for Father's Day.
What I'm reminiscing about
Thanks to the new "this day on facebook" I was reminded that last year around this time we took Lucas for a mini family getaway to Niagara Falls. It was such a special weekend as a family of 3 before we welcomed his brother at the end of the summer. I really wish we could go back all together again this summer but I don't think the hubby's work schedule is going to allow it. You can read my recap of the trip here.
What I'm Loving
We finally bought a conversation piece for our backyard. I'm so glad we waited a little later to purchase because we scored a great deal. I love having a place to sit and relax while the kids play in the kiddie pool outside, or having an after bedtime drink with the hubby. Unfortunately after we put it together we've had a few rainy days so I don't have a great picture of the set but this one of Lucas the day we bought clearly makes up for it in my eyes.
What we've been up to
We've been stuck inside a lot with rainy weather and the cold that doesn't want to go away. We get out for walks and activities whenever we can but we have definitely been home bodies these last few weeks. That coupled with Marcus' newfound need to move and stand he's been getting into his brothers business A LOT! Some days I want to pull my hair with the amount of times I yell out share and I've been trying to teach Lucas to not be so rough with his brother. Then other days I just let the wrestling matches occur cause they're pretty darn cute.
What I'm dreading
I'm not so much dreading this as I am just bracing myself for this new phase in Marcus' mobility. He's a little late in comparison to his big brother in walking and I've actually been ok with that. This weekend he gained some momentum with standing unassisted and I feel like now that he's more comfortable standing on his own that he will be taking his first steps so soon. I love those first moments when they realize that they can move and get to place on their own two feet. However I'm dreading the new logistics that brings with two very active boys at the park and running around the house. Lord help me for all the cuts and bruises headed my way.
What I'm working on
Still doing updates to our backyard. We have been really successful this year with our veggies garden and we decided to add another box. We are set to do that this weekend, along with finally adding some plants and flowers to the front of the house. It is quite the feat to accomplish these simple tasks in a timely fashion with two young kids, especially with one who just wants to help so bad and another who just wants to eat all the dirt.
What I'm excited about
Next week is the hubby's birthday and I'm planning a few surprises for him especially since with being sick I kind of dropped the ball for Father's Day. I can't say too much because he's a loyal reader of this old blog but I'm sure he's going to love everything I have planed. I love giving gifts and planning surprises as much as receiving them so this is just as exciting for me as it will be for him.
What I'm reading/watching
Lets be honest time to read with two little ones is pretty sparse and it makes me kind of sad because I love nothing more than to be curled on the couch and read. That being said I'm thinking of scheduling some me time for the early mornings before the kids are up or try to so before bedtime to help start the day and unwind at the end of the night with some good reads. I have a few books on the go but I'm always looking for more so if anyone has read something really good lately or a nice light read let me know in the comments.
In the evening the hubby and I are currently watching the latest season of Game of Thrones. We are only two episodes in but due to the internet I know a few spoilers coming up and I'm already cringing in my seat.
What I'm listening to
This song from Little Big Town has been on repeat on my phone. Such a fun summer tune.
What I'm wearing
PJs all day long when you're sick with maybe yoga pants every other day.
What I'm doing this weekend
Its set to be nice weather and the boys and I are finally on the mend so I have nothing planned but to be outside playing with the kids.
What I'm looking forward to next month
We have birthdays, BBQs and just family time set for the month of July. I'm looking forward to every single one the weekends!
What are you doing for the 4th of July
Well Canadian over here lol. Canada Day is next week July 1st and as of yet we have no plans but we always try to take Lucas to the local fair and some fireworks.
Hope everyone else has a great week!

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