He is sleeping through the night but often wakes up at the crack of dawn when he's cutting a tooth which is the case this past week. Naps have been kind of awful lately. He is a cat napper in the morning which works for me because it helps when we have an activity or errands to run, but he started fussing to put himself to sleep for his afternoon nap. Its at the same time as his big brother is napping so instead of letting him fuss I have been laying down with him. Its not ideal but I have been welcoming the rest, and the extra snuggles.
We've had a problem getting Marcus to drink formula on a consistent basis for as long as we switched him to it. I'm not sure if this happened because I was able to breastfeed him longer than Lucas before my supply issues kicked in or for some other reason. Thankfully this month we've finally overcome that and he has four bottles a day, three meals and a small snack after his morning nap. There really isn't anything that we've introduced to Marcus that he hasn't ate and enjoyed but he definitely has his preferences. For example he will eat strawberries but if there is peach and berries on his tray he won't touch the berries. Funny little man. He's tried watermelon, gold fishies, cheese quesidilla, rice, sausage, Annie's mac and cheese, ham and scrambled egg. Much like his brother he isn't a fan of breakfast hence why he's getting a small snack after his morning nap.
He is a mover and shaker. Crawls around everywhere. Pulls himself to standing on anything really and can balance himself fine using one hand but hasn't made any real moves towards walking. His big brother was starting to walk at this point but I feel like Marcus gets around so well crawling and has someone at his eye level that he doesn't feel the need to walk yet. He has easily taken several steps using the activitu table. We encourage him as much as he allows if only for the motor skills but he can reach this milestone when he's good and ready, especially since it's not keeping him back from getting around and in everything.
He passes toys from hand to hand with ease and purpose. If I'm dressing him and he has something in his hand he will pass it to the other hand so I can put his arm through his shirt. I've noticed this month that he pays a lot of attention to what and how his brother is playing and as a consequence I've seen him try to imitate him. For example he's tried to stack cups on his own or put a puzzle piece together.
He's quite the chatterbox and is always making some sort of sound to get our attention or to communicate. He says mama, Dada and sometimes refers to his brother as Bubba which is our nick name for him.
He has a total 7 teeth right now which seems like a lot for his age and is probably why I feel like I still am not sleeping. Teething never affected Lucas night time sleep but it sure does for this little man. Most of the time it just means really wake ups but at least once or twice a week it will also mean 2 hour shenanigans in the middle of the night.
Marcus for the longest time seemed very uninterested in reading and I carried all sorts if mom guilt over it since I felt as if I hadn't as much of an effort to read to him early on as I did with his brother. I kept attempting to read to him everyday and at different times and I'm qin happy to say that it seems to have paid off. He already has books that he enjoys more than others, he will actually remove books from the shelves and attempt to open them, and if we are reading together he actually turns the pages if I lift them slightly. Lucas and I are huge lovers of books so I'm very glad that Marcus got the memo.
Marcus is wearing size 3 diapers, which he hates to get changed out of this month. He's also wearing size 12 month and some size 18 month clothes. The fact that the boys were born in the same month and therefore share the same seasons for all sizes of clothes has been a huge advantage. I've barely bought anything new thus summer for him which was very convenient since big brother went through a huge growth spurt recently and needed an almost entirely new summer wardrobe.
I have loved watching the relationship between the brothers develop this month. With Marcus understanding so much more about his environment, he has developed a true love and relationship with Lucas. He tries to wrestle his brother, he razzes him by trying to take away things from Lucas hands, and he reaches for him anytime his brother is slightly close to him. Every night Lucas gives his brothers kisses and hugs before Marcus heads to bed and the smile on his face is one of those whole face smiles that makes this mommy melt in a huge puddle of love.
This month Marcus went to the zoo for the first time, Mandarin and the splash pad. All loved and enjoyed equally, although I personally think the chicken wing at Mandarin was probably his highlight.
I'm a little in denial that his birthday is 3 very short months away. I'm just enjoying this time too much to think about it too much.

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