I'm sure I'm not the only one who is pretty glad to see Friday. This week kind of kicked me in the behind. I hate the week after being sick because it's a whole week of catching up with housework, and life in general. So the favourites are short and sweet around here this week.
I've mentioned that Marcus is getting more mobile and with that he has been getting more into his brothers business. It's been a whole new ball game of brotherly interaction and as a consequence Lucas is having a hard time adjusting to having his little brother always in his face and in his stuff. I swear I'm more exhausted at the end of the day from just dealing with Lucas unreasonable tantrums.
But then I catch a moment like this which was my absolute FAVOURITE this week. I had put them sitting together to grab a picture to send to their daddy and Marcus immediately started trying to climb and fuss with his brother. It was a rare moment when big brother just took it in stride. His face of "ok we will let this one pass" had me in laughing out loud.
We had a Playdate scheduled for this week at my house but with the kids still being a little under the weather I didn't want to risk getting anybody else sick so we moved it to next week. I was talking to my girlfriend and told her part of the reason was also because my house is an absolute mess from being sick and I need to get things more presentable. She laughed and said aren't all our houses!! Then I saw this on facebook and it was FAVORITE thing ever. After reading it I texted my friend to expect mess next week hehe.
One of my FAVOURITE summer shows is back this week! I only started watching big brother after I got married and it became mine and the hubby's summer viewing guilty pleasure. But really isn't any reality TV a guilty pleasure.
We are set to have rain all weekend which puts our plans to work in the backyard on the back burner fir now. So I'm planning on tackling a project in the mudroom that I've been putting off. I've been researching ideas for a family command center which would help organize life in general but also help my memory deficient husband from knowing when things are happening. This one I found on pinterest is my FAVOURITE inspired by pottery barn but the plan is to diy for much cheaper.
I leave yiu with my FAVOURITE picture from thus week. I ran into Canadian Tire in the hopes that I could find something for the hubby's birthday and to keep the kids happy I gave them snacks and let them hang out in the cool cart. Their faces say it all "mom you're getting 10 minutes of peace and then we are back to our crabby selves when we leave" and yes they were true to their word.
Happy weekend everyone.

I just started watching Big Brother! I hope I can get into it! Love this list. Have a great weekend :) -Seri from www.Serisblog.com
ReplyDeleteLove the pics of the boys together!