The weather has been rainy all week in these parts and we've tried to get out whenever there was lull but there's only so much you can do. So cabin fever has been felt by all. Coupled with some really awful nights from Marcus and a certain toddler in the throes of terrible twos I'm so glad to see this week end
Here are some highlights of what we've been up to.
Monday we headed to my mom's for an early breakfast date since I haven't seen her in a while. Marcus hadn't slept well the night before so he was a bit of a crank pants and I in turn was not feeling all that cheery as well. The best part had to be Lucas discovering my dad's new tractor lawn mower. We were leaving and I thought he was right behind me and I found him already climbed atop it ready to go
Am I the only one who gets two drinks at Starbucks?! I always need my caffeine fix then I get something cold to drink that usually Lucas and I will share. It's been a while since I went through the Starbucks drive through when running errands since it can really eat a hole in my weekly budget but I felt like I earned it this week.
We are going through some growing pains right now teaching Lucas about sharing. He's actually really decent at play grounds and in group settings with other children but with his brother it's a whole different story. He completely gets that with his brother he can attempt to assert his dominance and therefore he isn't as good about sharing with him. Lately I have lost count of the times I say share during the day or I play referee to disputes over the mountain of toys at their disposal. Some days he's great and understands that he needs to include his brother, other times he pushes him away and even swats at him. He's seen his toys put away more often than not lately due to his behaviour so I think that's helping, also I make sure to make him say he's sorry.
This picture is one of those moments where it looks like he's sharing and he's being all cute holding his brothers hand. But really he's just making sure he's brother doesn't touch the toy.
Somehow this little guy turned 9 months this week. You can read his monthly update here.
I had a friend tell me recently that she has yet to go out by herself with both kids (she has a 3 year old and a 3 month old). I would lose my mind if I didn't get out of the house a few times a week with the boys. Do sometimes when I'm out do I think to myself why oh why did I bother leaving. Of course. But I think it's good for the boys too to learn to behave in public and honestly if they're going to throw a tantrum I may as well get what I need done.
My go to survival tip is always always bring snacks. Made that mistake once won't happen again.
This picture. These two.
Even though it's clear he doesn't want his picture taken I cannot get over how much Lucas looks like his daddy here.
We are huge lovers of books and chapters and last summer I can't tell you how often we went to our local chapters so that Lucas could play with the train table and this pregnant mama could stay cool. Unfortunately they removed the table and Lucas was very upset about it. Every month we head to chapter to purchase a new book or two for the kids library and to the little man's delight they had reinstated the train table all new and shiny that morning! It was a very rainy day so the place was actually empty so he played until his heart content for an hour. Marcus was just happy standing on the sidelines watching his big brother.
I will end with the sweetest moment between these two. Sometimes they love each other and make one another laugh so much it makes me forget the two minutes later they were both vying for the same toy and it didn't end well.
Happy weekend everyone.
5 on Friday with A. Liz Adventrues, Carolina Charm, Hello! Happiness, and The Good Life.
Friday Favorites with A Little Bit of Everything, Momfessionals, and Grace and Love.
Oh Hey Friday with September Farm and The Farmer's Wife!

I am so with you on the two Starbucks drinks! I am loving the cinnamon dolce cappuccino! - Seri from