I have to admit this age that Lucas is at is exhausting, and I'm sure more so than most children since mine has stumbled into the phase of discovery, along with his acute mobility skills, at a very early age. That being said, this tired mama goes to bed with a huge smile on her face, and can't help but love all the new things that Lucas does everyday. Often, Gianni and I look at the pictures I take during the day before going to sleep, and I regale him with stories of what sort of mischief Lucas got into that particular day (if you didn't notice the state of my book shelf in the above picture, check it out, and you will soon realize what sort of things he's capable of lately). On top of all these new phases, and discoveries, we have seen such a difference in Lucas' personality lately. He understands much more what we say to him, and he is actually starting to respond to things as well, even playful games his father and I engage him in. A prime example is Lucas tends to sweat a lot from his feet (I should really start investing in everything I will need to air out this kids sports equipment for the future), so we play this game when we take his shoes off of smelly feet. Its simple really, we smell his feet and over exaggerate the extent of its stinkiness, and the kid finds our reactions hilarious. However, we now notice that if we ask him, or tell him we are going to check his stinky feet, he will actually give us his feet! This may seem a little trivial for any bystander, but as his parents its a proud moment, as it shows that he knows what his FEET are!
We went to dinner earlier this week, and this kid is such a charmer, always laying on the smiles for the waitresses, and they in turn were enthralled by him. Seriously, I'm pretty sure we get better service when we go out to dinner with the little guy.
We attended our first wedding with Lucas, and boy do I have adorable picture of the little man to share with you all.
Hope all my fellow Canadians are enjoying the long weekend!

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