Monday I had lunch with my mom and sister (who work at the same office), but on the way there I picked up my youngest sister whose nine going on thirty. She is the most amazing little kid I know, and I have loved every moment of being her big sister, and seeing my first baby be such a great aunt to Lucas sometimes brings me to tears. She is so in love with him, and just all around a great friend to him, she may be a tad obsessed but he clearly doesn't seem to mind.
I bought Lucas his first set of toddler markers, and he had so much fun doodling for the first time! The clean up wasn't too bad since they are obviously washable, and came off his skin fairly well, which is a good thing cause little man had marker all over his arms, and face. I'm going to frame this first of many masterpieces and put it in my office.
The hubby and I had a last minute date night on Wednesday, and I finally survived dinner AND a movie! I was pretty proud of myself I'm not going to lie. I had been feeling a tad overwhelmed and run down lately, since I feel like I haven't fully caught up on things around the house since being sick, and then keeping a super energetic kid occupied. We had dinner at one of our favourite fancy sushi places Spoon and Fork, their sushi is to die for, and they make THE best beef satay! We watched The Mortal Instruments, since I just finished the first book in the series, and the hubby indulged me with my movie choice, but he ended up enjoying it as well. Little guy had fun with his nonni, and only really asked for me when it was time for bed, makes me sad and proud at the same time that he realized I wasn't around, but thankfully he didn't fuss and went to bed like the champ that he is, and I was rewarded with extra smiles the next morning.
I have decided to embrace Lucas' love for dirt and just let him go at it this week, and I'm pretty sure he was grateful. I know that boys tend to love all things dirt and rocks, but it usually brings out the OCD in me, and I break out in hives seeing him stick his dirt filled hands in his mouth, but when I decided to just let it go, I'm not going to lie it was pretty fun and cute to watch him go to town, and I may have gotten in there with him, and made some mud pies.
We had Lucas' one year photo session yesterday, and I cannot wait to see the photos! He was an absolute champ and the photographer was so in love with him. She's been photographing our family since Gianni and I got engaged, and she is so amazing with children. I will post all her information when we get the photos. Highlight of the session had to be the smash cake, I had made a simple vanilla and whip cream cake the night before, and it was adorable that Lucas at first would only stick one finger at a time in the cake, but when he realized we were encouraging him to just get in there...well get in there he did! He smashed until his heart's content, and even got his feet in there by the end!
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend, I'm off to join the little guy for a nap :)

Awwww, I love that cute little cake! Happy one years old to him!!!! Saw your blog on Five on Friday and am following.